Bart Lodewijks Library

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Bart Lodewijks
Ruisbroek Church Drawings

The Ruisbroek church, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Belgium, is being relegated to profane use. In the lead-up to its deconsecration, I draw on the sanctuary with chalk.

3 July 2023: The sun casts dancing shadows of trees on the longitudinal wall in an oasis of peace and tranquillity. As I stand back to get a good view of the building, the late afternoon sun flickers in the windowpanes, as if winking at the world, making my heart speed up a bit. I feel the urge to set something in motion that will benefit the place. While I may never have found religious inspiration over the years, I wouldn’t say sacred spaces leave me cold. I decide it’s best to not draw on the building immediately and instead adopt some diversionary tactics. Maybe this slight hesitation will yield greater insight than jumping right in. After all, the building has so many lines and planes it’s like a giant playground. You really have to know your stuff to add anything to it.

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The project Ruisbroek Church Drawings was commissioned by GIST, first triennial of the Zenne Valley, Belgium, from 26 August to 5 November 2023.