Bart Lodewijks Library

English / Dutch / Image archive

Bart Lodewijks - Gaasbeek Drawings
A short story about a chalk drawing that runs from the intersection of Vijverselenweg and Rooststraat in Lennik through to the sphinxes on Oudenakenstraat 23 in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw (Belgium).

2 March 2019: ‘Hi Roger: This spring I’m doing a project in the hills just south of Brussels as part of the Bruegel Year (commissioned by Gaasbeek Castle). I was asked whether I had any association with the old master. ‘I am drawn to the people who populate his paintings,’ I said. I’ve since started on a drawing on a farm that I think must have also caught Bruegel’s eye. Writing the text is slightly more difficult, but I have plenty of material. I thought it’d be nice to post the story with photos as an e-book, about 2000 words (NL/EN), as a follow-up to Calcutta Drawings. What do you think?’

‘Sure. Send it on through. You could set out an iPad at the exhibition or print it out in large format to hang on the wall. I can definitely get it on the site by 7 April in any event.’


Gaasbeek Drawings EN

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*This project is part of the exhibition Feast of Fools. Bruegel rediscovered kasteel van Gaasbeek, Belgium