
Location: Gaußstraße, Bei der Osterkirche, Große Rainstraße
Date: from June 2003 ongoing
Technical data (Size of column): 2 meter(Height) x 3.80 meter (diameter)

O1 is dealing with an unused Litfasssäule (advertising column) standing in the middle of a small playground for children. An international selection of artists have been asked to make a bi-dimensional design for the column. After being sent to Hamburg the projects are pasted and documented. About every two weeks a new project is pasted. O1 continues until the organizer is moves out of town.

* The Litfasssäule is an invention of the German printer Ernst Litfass (1816-1874). Ernst Litfass published among others the ‘Norddeutsche Frühlingsalmanach’ and founded in 1851 the ‘Berliner Figaro’. With the ‘Berliner Tagestelegraph’ he founded one of the most influential newspapers of Berlin. It is in the same city of Berlin that Ernst Litfass (with the support of Circusdirector Renz) installed in 1855 the first 100 cylindrical advertising column. 1880 the city of Berlin gave Ernst Litfass the monopoly for installing the columns in Berlin.

Further Information
Philippe Van Cauteren
Gaußstraße 152, Haus 3
22765 Hamburg
T/F: 0049 (0)40 39903369
E: vancauteren@t-online.de