
'Deus e um brasileiro!' is often said. 'H2' will not be verifying this quotation but will dive into some crucial (and forgotten) cultural moments of Brasilian history and presence. Next to the 'Manifesto de Antropofagia' of M. de Andrade, the text 'Estetica da Fome' of the cineast Glauber Rocha will be put under attention. The german photographer Michael Wessely will on its turn write from his proper experience in working as a photographer in Brasilia in relation to the photographic work of Fontenelle and Gondim. Sebastian Hackenschmidt will through the metaphor of football make a comparison between Brasil and Germany. Date of publication and other contributors: to be announced

Further Information
Philippe Van Cauteren
Gaußstraße 152, Haus 3
22765 Hamburg
T/F: 0049 (0)40 39903369
E: vancauteren@t-online.de