Roma Publications
Roma Publications

... more recent publications
250 Statement and Counter-Statement (Notes on Experimental Jetset / Volume 1) Experimental Jetset 576 11 × 18 2015

576 pages / 11 × 18 cm

The first publication on the work of Experimental Jetset features almost two decades of graphic design praxis. Rather than a monolithic monograph, it is a very loose, personal archive, with essays by Linda van Deursen, Mark Owens, and Ian Svenonius, plus two photographic chapters with a selection of work by the studio, covering both printed matter and the documentation of site-specific pieces and installations. To conclude is a glossary-like anthology of texts (fragments of interviews, lectures, correspondence, etc.) previously written by Experimental Jetset, selected, edited, and structured by Jon Sueda. Design: Experimental Jetset. ISBN 9789491843402

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249 Automatically Arranged Alphabets Experimental Jetset 24 11 × 18 2015

24 pages / 11 × 18 cm

Stapled in a screenprinted silver cardboard cover, the zine (titled 'Automatically Arranged Alphabets') contains a typographic experiment involving software-generated compositions (part of a series of sketches made between 2014-2015). Design: Experimental Jetset. ISBN 9789491843396

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248 Arts/Rats/Star Experimental Jetset tote bag 40 × 37 2015

tote bag / 40 × 37 cm

A strong quality cotton tote bag designed by Experimental Jetset with the words 'Arts', 'Rats' and 'Star', especially produced for use during book fairs. Screen printed in a limited edition of 200 copies.

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247 Imperial Courts 1993-2015 Dana Lixenberg 296 24 × 31 2015

296 pages / 24 × 31 cm

In 1993, Dana Lixenberg travelled to South Central Los Angeles for a magazine story on the riots that erupted following the verdict in the Rodney King trial. What she encountered there inspired her to revisit the area, and led her to the community of the Imperial Courts housing project in Watts. Returning countless times over the following twenty-two years, Lixenberg gradually created a collaborative portrait of the changing face of this community with her 4x5 field camera. Over the years, some in the community were killed, while others disappeared or went to jail, and others, once children in early photographs, grew up and had children of their own. In this way, Imperial Courts constitutes a complex and evocative record of the passage of time in an underserved community. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843426

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246 Drawings (001-806) Ante Timmermans 856 17 × 22 Be-Part, Waregem / S.M.A.K. Ghent 2015

856 pages / 17 × 22 cm / Be-Part, Waregem / S.M.A.K. Ghent

This book contains 806 numbered drawings by Ante Timmermans, dating from 2002 up till 2015. By showing all these drawings in chronological order, and not just a selection of them, one is able to read a flow of thoughts, and see the artist's themes, subjects, and sources come and go. Drawing is in the heart of Ante Timmermans' practice, often leading to works in other media, such as performances, paintings, sculptures, and installations. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843419

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245 ROMA Karel Martens tote bag 40 × 37 2015

tote bag / 40 × 37 cm

A strong quality cotton tote bag designed by Karel Martens with the letters RO and MA on two sides. The first edition is printed in black, the second edition in blue.

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244 Sudoku Gintaras Did iapetris, Renée Levi, Rosalind Nashashibi 72 21 × 29.7 Kunstverein München 2015

72 pages / 21 × 29.7 cm / in collaboration with Kunstverein München

Sudoku is the second in the Kunstverein München s Companion series. The publication features demonstrative and representational imagery by the artists, which follows and deviates from a collated transcription of their conversations. The exhibition and publication are titled after the popular Japanese puzzle in which deductive logic is used to fill a concentric grid of squares with the numbers 1 through 9 in correct locations. The challenge lies in the puzzle s restrictive rules, but for the exhibiting artists, Sudoku offered a productive system with which to responsively create new interdisciplinary work, and to re-present existing work in new ways. Design: Julie Peeters. ISBN 9789491843389

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243 Zeichnungen Marc Nagtzaam 108 20.5 × 26.5 Yellow Press, Antwerp 2015

108 pages / 20.5 × 26.5 cm / in collaboration with Yellow Press, Antwerp

Zeichnungen is an artist book with a compilation of drawings - or rather, 'sketches of drawings' by Nagtzaam. He combined his material by printing it in different layers on a Riso duplicator at the Charles Nypels Lab in Maastricht. The result is a careful composition of previously unpublished drawings that became a new work in itself. Printed in a limited edition of 200 copies, numbered and signed. ISBN 9789491843372

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242 The Grand Tour Kasia Klimpel 48 + 16 24 × 30 Le Musée de Bagnes, Le Châble / Fotomuseum Winterthur 2015

48 + 16 pages / 24 × 30 cm / in collaboration with Le Musée de Bagnes, Le Châble / Fotomuseum Winterthur

Published to coincide with exhibitions at the Mauvoisin Dam, the Museum of Bagnes in Le Châble, and Fotomuseum Winterthur. 'The Grand Tour is a travelogue through the world of maps' is Kasia Klimpel s description of her virtual travel images. Klimpel smuggles her own photographic yet fictional model landscapes which she produces through the traditional means of paper and light into the operating systems and web sharing sites of global search engines. In doing so, she plays with the unpredictability of algorithms. When and under what conditions are her staged images of horizons, mountain panoramas and sunsets inserted into these systems as geotags? Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843365

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241 Roma Publications at Fondazione Giuliani, Rome Roger Willems (Editor) 136 15.5 × 21.5 Fondazione Giuliani, Rome 2015

136 pages / 15.5 × 21.5 cm / in collaboration with Fondazione Giuliani, Rome

Catalogue of the Roma exhibition at Fondazione Giuliani in Rome, from October till December 2014. Exhibition and catalogue were compiled and designed by Roger Willems, in collaboration with Lorenzo Benedetti and Marc Nagtzaam. With contributions by Gwenneth Boelens, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Nickel van Duijvenboden, Marlene Dumas, Geert Goiris, Kees Goudzwaard, Sara van der Heide, Arnoud Holleman, Rob Johannesma, Jan Kempenaers, Irene Kopelman, Bart Lodewijks, Mark Manders, Marc Nagtzaam, Oksana Pasaiko, Wouter van Riessen, Nancy Spero, Petra Stavast, Batia Suter, Raymond Taudin Chabot and JCJ Vanderheyden. In the back of the book an overview of all 241 publications so far, dating from 1998 till halfway 2015. The red field on the cover is a work by JCJ Vanderheyden: Red Paper, 2001. ISBN 9789491843358. Link:

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240 Serving Compressed Energy with Vacuum Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven 108 21 × 29.7 Kunstverein München 2015

108 pages / 21 × 29.7 cm / in collaboration with Kunstverein München

Collection of graphic and textual work by Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, dating from the seventies up till 2015. Compiled and designed by Julie Peeters, enriched with translations of facsimile material and a large amount of personal comments from the artist on the selected work. Published in conjunction with the exhibition Serving Compressed Energy with Vacuum in Kunstverein München from 25 April - 14 June 2015. ISBN 9789491843334

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239 Prophet Geert Goiris 64 + print 24 × 31 2015

64 pages + print / 24 × 31 cm

Book with a sequence of 49 recent photographs by Geert Goiris, of which the larger part was taken in Norway and North America in 2014 and 2015. This series was compiled in analogy with a large slide projection integrated in the exhibition Geert Goiris - Flashbulb Memories, Ash Grey Prophesies at Foam, Amsterdam, from March 20 till May 24, 2015. The book comes with a signed and numbered Frontier print. Limited edition of 500 copies. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843327

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238 Hommage Arnoud Holleman 16 19.5 × 26.5 Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem 2015

16 pages / 19.5 × 26.5 cm / in collaboration with Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem

Hommage was written by Arnoud Holleman as part of the (film) installation of the same name, on view at the Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem from February til June 2015. Design: Roger Willems

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237 Reprint Karel Martens Karel Martens 84 17 × 24 Royal Academy of Art, The Hague 2015

84 pages / 17 × 24 cm / in collaboration with Royal Academy of Art, The Hague

This book is published on the occasion of an exhibition of work by Karel Martens at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague. Besides offering a closer look at his recent free work, it also covers his approach to the teaching of graphic design. Comprising a selection of both past work and more recent applied work, it also includes new essays by David Bennewith, who examines Martens' approach to teaching through its history and accounts from students, and Robin Kinross, who offers a meditation on Martens' mono-prints, which demonstrate a consistent line of inquiry through his 54 years in graphic design. Martens was the recipient of the Gerrit Noordzij Prize in 2012. Design: Karel Martens in collaboration with David Bennewith and the students of Type and Media, The Hague. ISBN 9789491843310

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236 For the Mnemonist, S. Rossella Biscotti 152 14 × 20 Wiels, Brussels 2015

152 pages / 14 × 20 cm / in collaboration with Wiels, Brussels

For her first solo exhibition in Belgium, acclaimed Italian artist Rossella Biscotti draws a trajectory across spaces that evoke important historical processes and links them to the sciences of the mind. This book, published in conjunction with the exhibition, follows this example by interweaving narratives in relation to the concrete and discrete architecture of memory, dreams, and ideas. While revisiting sites of punishment, the gathering of works embodies the ability of the human mind to resist oppression, tracing individual destinies or collective endeavours through a combination of materials, language, and scientific techniques. With a text by Adam Kleinman. Design: Louis Lüthi. ISBN 9789491843303. Link:

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235 Inside/Outside Armin Linke 80 + 2 prints 24 × 34 Sciences Po, Paris 2015

80 pages + 2 prints / 24 × 34 cm / in collaboration with Sciences Po, Paris

Over the years Armin Linke is creating a vast archive of human activity. Commissioned to develop an artwork for the new Sciences Po Library in Paris, Linke took his chance to shoot a large series of photographs inside the library and inside a few leading economic and cultural institutions in Paris: C2RMF - Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France; BNP Paribas; Conseil d'Etat and Conseil Constitutionel; Ministère de l'Économie, de Finances et du Commerce extérieur; CGT Conféderation générale du travail; Musée du Louvre. By photographing unnoticed parts of their interiors in a detailed and neutral way, Linke manages to reveal invisible activities of the institutions and at the same time restore beauty in these sites. After installing a permanent exhibition at the library, a brochure was produced to finish the project. We decided to offer this brochure together with 2 original prints. The book reflects on the entire project by giving insight in Linke's work and the genisis of the commission while the prints are open for interpretation, which is also the case for the visitors of the library. Texts in French and English by Bruno Latour, Eva Bellinghausen, Anastassia Makridou-Bretonneau, Valérie Pihet, Armin Linke, Sylvain Gouraud. Design: Laure Giletti (book), Roger Willems (sleeve). Edition: 400 copies, signed and numbered. ISBN 9789491843280

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234 Games Are Forbidden in the Labyrinth Javier Téllez 192 14 × 20.5 REDCAT Los Angeles / SFAI / Kadist Art Foundation 2015

192 pages / 14 × 20.5 cm / in collaboration with REDCAT Los Angeles / SFAI / Kadist Art Foundation

In this artist book Téllez gives answers to 64 questions on 'How Do You Play Chess?' by linking them to specific text fragments and images that explore psychiatric confinement, surveillance architecture, and the game of chess as strategically interrelated systems. Games Are Forbidden in the Labyrinth opens new spaces for play across formerly closed systems and inverts the power dynamics between surveillance tower and cell. This book is expanding on Téllez s exhibitions at San Francisco Art Institute and REDCAT, Los Angeles. With texts by Ruth Estévez, Dieter Roelstraete, and Hesse McGraw. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843297

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233 Le Tapis (fair use) Pierre Leguillon 18 (leporello) 22 × 22 2015

18 (leporello) / 22 × 22 cm

Reproduction of the floor piece Le Tapis (fair use) by Pierre Leguillon, consisting of a collection of record sleeves designed by artists, surrounded by postcards from a large variety of art institutions showing objects on a monochrome background. On the backside all sources and credits are collected as found on the originals. Limited edition of 600 copies on the occasion of Leguillon's solo exhibition The Museum of Mistakes: Contemporary Art and Class Struggle at Wiels, Brussels. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843273

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232 Ramya Petra Stavast 224 17.5 × 24.5 Fw: 2014

224 pages / 17.5 × 24.5 cm / in collaboration with Fw:

In 2001 Petra Stavast moved into a house where she met a woman named Ramya. For a few years the camera became their means of communication which resulted in a series of quiet photographs of the house and its inhabitant. Following Ramya's death in 2012, the project gained a new dimension. Stavast discovered not only Ramya's private archive, but also photographs of Ramya taken by a neigbor. She traces events such as Ramya's membership of the Rajneeshpuram commune, established between 1981 and 1985 by followers of the Bhagwan (Osho) in the no-man's-land of Oregon, USA. Now, as Stavast's photographs reveal, the only on-site reminder of that period is a wide asphalted road. Video stills show Ramya, back in Amsterdam, at a workshop given by a new guru. Together, these documents constitute an unconventional biography that leaves the reader behind with mixed feelings. Design: Hans Gremmen. ISBN 9789490119270

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231 Stones & Sketches Robert Zandvliet 272 24 × 32 Galerie Onrust, Amsterdam 2014

272 pages / 24 × 32 cm / in collaboration with Galerie Onrust, Amsterdam

For the first time Dutch painter Robert Zandvliet presents a selection of drawings and sketches made as studies for his paintings. Besides numerous drawings, the book also offers a selection of paintings from recent decades, as well as a new series, 'Seven Stones'. The drawings and older works give a clear indication of the path Zandvliet has followed since the 1990s in his search for pure form and composition through an uncompromising approach to his work. With 'Seven Stones', Zandvliet ventures into new territory where not only does he attempt to produce good paintings, but he also tries to fathom why specific forms have such a great impact on him personally. With an introduction by Rudi Fuchs. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843244

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230 Tiergarten Johannes Schwartz 112 24 × 33 2014

112 pages / 24 × 33 cm

Artist book with photographs of mainly animal food in Moscow's city zoo, intuitively color printed in risograph by Johannes Schwartz. The book is produced in a limited edition of 250 copies, with many thanks to Jo Frenken at the Van Eyck in Maastricht and the volunteers who helped folding. Design: Experimental Jetset. ISBN 9789491843228

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229 Acolyte Frena Mark Manders 96 12 × 17 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2014

96 pages / 12 × 17 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Small-sized book with a detailed photographic tour through the installation Acolyte Frena by Mark Manders at De Vleeshal Middelburg (19 Jan - 23 March 2014). Photographed and designed by Mark Manders and Roger Willems, printed in an edition of 800 copies. ISBN 9789491843266

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228 Not Available Marc Nagtzaam 64 + insert 22 × 29 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2014

64 pages + insert / 22 × 29 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

In this book, recent work by Marc Nagtzaam is shown together with installation views and some of his older drawings. As a result, the previous works can be viewed from the perspective of the new, and vice versa. Nagtzaam sees exhibitions and books as single works. The same compositional approach used when making the drawings is also reflected in the structure of this book. In this manner, Nagtzaam reveals the link between the hard-edge abstraction of the drawings, which can be read as architectural plans, and his spatial installations in which they function as elements in a larger composition, suggestive of an obscure organising principle. Design: Marc Nagtzaam in collaboration with Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843235

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227 Between Red and a Transparent Plane Kees Goudzwaard 32 (leporello) 21 × 28 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2014

32 pages (leporello) / 21 × 28 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Leporello with 16 panels with reproductions of 14 paintings on one side, and exhibition views of the installation at De Vleeshal Middelburg on the other side. With text by Lorenzo Benedetti (English/Italian). Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843259

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226 RAY Susanne Kriemann 120 15 × 21 2014

120 pages / 15 × 21 cm

Susanne Kriemann examines a radioactive rock discovered in the Barringer Hill Mine in Llano, Texas, in the late 1800s. We see a photograph of a large rock (a single chunk of gadolinite), and then another image of a wall of rocks, signalling the importance of the threshold to Kriemann's work. She focuses on the material and mystical limit of knowing and seeing on how a narrative loops through archaeological layers without ever finding its source. Presently, the mine lies beneath a lake; its mirrored surface resembles the photographic lens, but the eye, ours and the rock's, exists on both sides. Design: Radim Pesko. ISBN 9789491843198

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225 Prolifération Geert Goiris 64 + print 24 × 31 Le Musée de Bagnes, Le Châble 2014

64 pages + print / 24 × 31 cm / in collaboration with Le Musée de Bagnes, Le Châble

Published to coincide with the exhibition of a series of photographs by Geert Goiris at the Mauvoisin Dam (Valais, Switzerland), this sublime series of 30 images suggests a timelessness and contained restlessness through its potential narratives of place and collective memory. Labyrinthine trees, strange rock formations, contemplative figures, man-made objects and wide mountain landscapes work together to instil a sense of serenity on the observer, yet one that evokes a certain tension, a primal longing generated by the environments Goiris portrays. Included is an insightful essay by Jean-Paul Felley and Olivier Kaeser. Design: Roger Willems. Comes with an original, signed Lambda print in a limited edition of 300 copies. ISBN 9789491843211

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224 Compensating Transient Pleasurable Excitations Koenraad Dedobbeleer 112 19 × 22.5 2014

112 pages / 19 × 22.5 cm

Artist's book by Koenraad Dedobbeleer, compiled as a catalogue of an imaginative exhibition. Its initial spark originated in the framework of an exhibition held at Cultuurcentrum Mechelen in 2013 (Up Close & Personal). The premises of the Cultuurcentrum's classical, museum styled exhibition halls, serve as a container for Dedobbeleer's envisioned exhibition.
Published in conjunction with the exhibitions The Desperate, Furiously Positive Striving of People Who Refuse to Be Dismissed at Extra City, Antwerp (5.04-25.05.2014) and A Quarrel in a Faraway Country Between People of Whom We Know Nothing at GAK, Bremen (01.11.2014-25.01.2015). ISBN 9789491843204

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223 Lichten Thomas Ruff 152 23 × 31 S.M.A.K Ghent / Kunsthalle Düsseldorf 2014

152 pages / 23 × 31 cm / in collaboration with S.M.A.K Ghent / Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Coinciding with museum exhibitions by Thomas Ruff in Ghent and Düsseldorf, this book comprises five series of photos ranging from the start of Ruffs' artistic career in the late 1970s to recent work in 2014. This selection, being shown under the title Lichten, takes as its philosophical and scientific thread the spectrum between natural and virtual light - a fundamental shift that has taken place in the medium of photography over the last thirty years. The selected series include Interiors (1979-1983), Stars (1989-1992) and Nights (1992-1996), as well as parts of Ruffs' most recent series called Negatives (2014-) and Photograms (2012-2014) - a digitally generated simulation of this historical genre. In each of the series, Ruff subjects the photographic medium to systematic analysis: social, political and aesthetic aspects of image production are laid bare, and thereby the history of Modernity as it was initiated by the emergence of photography in the 19th century. As a conceptual photographer, Ruff is not so much interested in photographing reality; he focuses more on portraying the realities of photography. With text contributions by Philippe Van Cauteren, Robert Fleck, Gregor Jansen, Martin Germann, and Valeria Liebermann. Design: Roger Willems and Hans Gremmen. ISBN 9789491843174

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222 The Yes No Quality of Dreams David Robilliard 88 17.5 × 22 ICA, London 2014

88 pages / 17.5 × 22 cm / in collaboration with ICA, London

This book comprises a selection of paintings, drawings and poems by London-based poet and painter David Robilliard (1952-1988). Combining figurative elements with text taken from his poems, his paintings employ coded language, wry wit and a melancholic tinge to impart narratives of passing infatuations, sexual encounters and life s tragedy, as the spectre of HIV looms towards the end of his life. Besides reproductions of artworks, the book includes an exclusive audio CD of Robilliard reading his poems in 1987. Published in conjunction with the exhibition David Robilliard: The Yes No Quality of Dreams at ICA London (16 Apr - 15 Jun 2014). With texts by Andrew Wilson and Gregor Muir. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843167

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221 Pazifik Katinka Bock 144 21 × 29.7 Henry Art Gallery, Seattle 2014

144 pages / 21 × 29.7 cm / in collaboration with Henry Art Gallery, Seattle

Richly illustrated book about the work of Paris based artist Katinka Bock. Bock focuses on sculpture as encounter and material transformation. In works that incisively investigate the sites of their production, she questions and highlights the materials that compose them, and meditates on the processes that shape them. For Bock, sculpture is the record and measure of place, space, time, and actions, in continuum. This book was published in conjunction with the exhibition Katinka Bock: A and I at the Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle (Feb - May 2014). With texts by Marie-Cécile Burnichon, Thomas Clerc, Luis Croquer and Sylvia Wolf. Design: Louis Lüthi.
ISBN 9789491843150

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220 The Mushroom Project Annie Ratti 96 14 × 21 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2014

96 pages / 114 × 21 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Using photography, video, installation, and texts, Annie Ratti questions and rethinks contemporary human conflicts, uncertainties and social complexities, often transforming her private experience into a public or participatory event. Such is the case with her research into the science, cultivation, and cultural and ethnographical significance of psilocybin mushrooms, the results of which appeared as an exhibition at De Vleeshal, Middelburg, in 2013. With source documents, photographs and installation views and step-by-step instructions on how to grow psychedelic fungi, Ratti encapsulates the Western fascination with these rhizomatic organisms. Design: Louis Lüthi. ISBN 9789491843143

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219 Cose in corso Mark Manders 128 + 12 22 × 29 Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia 2014

128 + 12 pages / 22 × 29 cm / in collaboration with Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia

Published in conjunction with the presentation of Manders' installation piece Isolated Bathroom / Composition with Four Colors at Collezione Maramotti, this book comprises a lengthy series of black-and-white photographs of the artist s working environment where unfinished works show different stages of his creative process. In the insert, Manders explains his thoughts on Isolated Bathroom / Composition with Four Colors, which Mario Diacono then further analyses in detail. Desing: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843006

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218 Esto es una papa. Notes on Representation Vol. 6 Irene Kopelman 48 21 × 28 2014

48 pages / 21 × 28 cm

This 6th volume of Kopelman's publication series Notes on Representation reports a travel to the Andean highlands in Peru where she investigated the amorphous shapes of native potatoes. Her notes give account of indigenous agriculture and community efforts to preserve hundreds of potato varieties. From meeting a local potato king to witnessing first-hand the amazing variety of tuberous colours and shapes, Kopelman s experience and the resulting drawings are unique. Made possible with support of the Mondriaan Fund. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843112

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217 Institute of Contemporary Arts, London 1946-1968 Anne Massey, Gregor Muir (Editors) 208 19.5 × 26 ICA, London 2014

208 pages / 19.5 × 26 cm / in collaboration with ICA, London

This book is dedicated to the first two decades of the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London, presenting a thorough history of the organisation's roots in post-war Britain, its mission of providing a physical base for the avant-garde, and its laying the groundwork for a continuing contribution to the evolution of contemporary art. Anne Massey's account is comprehensive in its scope, emphasising the ICA's being openly fluid and responsive to fluctuations in artistic culture with groundbreaking exhibitions and very personal approach. Besides a foreword by executive director Gregor Muir, the book includes numerous archival images and a detailed chronology. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843136

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216 In Two Minds Gwenneth Boelens, Nickel van Duijvenboden 120 19 × 25.5 2014

120 pages / 19 × 25.5 cm

In Two Minds documents Gwenneth Boelens' practice of the past ten years, comprising photography and sculpture, as well as performative and filmic works. An extensive chapter of notes, written by her partner and editor Nickel van Duijvenboden, illuminates Boelens' work and evolving attitudes from an intimate and studious perspective. Conversations and reflections are punctuated by a rich vein of illustrations and process images, as well as citations from twentieth-century literature and philosophy, such as by Bergson, Valéry, Merleau-Ponty and Woolf. A sense of searching pervades the publication, visually as well as intellectually, resulting in a meditation on experience, thought, memory and process. Made possible with support of the Mondriaan Fund. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843099

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215 Restricted Area Wim Catrysse 216 17 × 24 LLS 387, Antwerp 2014

216 pages / 17 × 24 cm / in collaboration with LLS 387, Antwerp

Since the late 1990s, Belgium artist Wim Catrysse creates video installations in which he explores self-made architectural structures and extreme topographical features. His artistic method combines intuition with technical reasoning, leading to complex cinematographic image constructions. The publication describes 14 of his works in detail, providing us insights into Catrysse's creative progress, working sites and references. With texts by Wim Catrysse, Wouter Davidts, Anselm Franke, Ulrike Lindmayr, Anne Pontégnie, Dieter Roelstraete, Jon Thompson. Supported by Cera Partners in Art. Design: Roger Willems with Marc Nagtzaam. ISBN 9789491843129

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214 Modelling Standard Erick Beltrán, Jorge Satorre 64 24.5 × 34.5 2014

64 pages / 24.5 × 34.5 cm

Modelling Standard is the first collaborative project of artists Jorge Satorre and Erick Beltrán with drawings by Jorge Aviña. As a point of departure they took the radical historiographic turn introduced by Carlo Ginzburg in the 1970s who focused on localised, popular and disregarded micro-histories rather than universal, over-arching versions. The title Modelling Standard references the scientific concept of the Standard Model used in physics to explain the almost invisible interactions occurring between subatomic particles. Erick Beltrán and Jorge Satorre use both micro-historical methods and the metaphor borrowed from physics to create connections between small, insignificant hints and traces. These are taken from their heterogeneous references to build seemingly unlikely connections between literary references, personal experiences, historical data, trivia and scientific facts through the construction of a diagram. The result is a series of caricatures and texts through which the artists will construct a detective plot where Sigmund Freud, Carlo Ginzburg, Giovanni Morelli, Aby Warburg, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Joe Orton are the protagonists. Illustrations by Jorge Aviña. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843105

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213 Paraphernalia. On the Status of Inspirational Objects Wim Wauman 88 17 × 24 2013

88 pages / 17 × 24 cm

Wim Wauman, known for his still life photographs, invited fellow artists to contribute meaningful objects to his 'Paraphernalia' project, resulting in a collection of 171 objects with which he created and photographed 21 compositions in his studio. These still lifes resonate with historical visual traditions and alchemy, asking observers to make individual interpretations and connections. In this publication, each object is connected to its respective donor and therefore his or her artistic strategy. It includes commentary from the artists about their contributions, an essay by Stefaan Vervoort about the project, and a manifesto by Wauman. Design: Marc Nagtzaam and Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843082

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212 Multiple Densities Katja Mater 188 23 × 30.5 2013

188 pages / 23 × 30.5 cm

This publication brings together works made between 2010 and 2013 that share the same principle: a method of constructing images of time by layering multiple moments, creating hybrids between photography and other media, documenting something that is positioned beyond our human ability to see. Each series adds a different parameter to the principle, such as two- and three-dimensional space, scale, perspective, performance, installation and parallel events. The publication also features an alternative view on Mater s practice with a chapter of research and process material. With an essay by Maxine Kopsa. Design: Veronica Ditting. Edition: 1200. Made possible with the generous support of the Mondriaan Fund. ISBN 9789491843075

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211 I'm not tailgating, I'm drafting Jan Kempenaers 32 + print 17 × 23 2013

32 pages + print / 17 × 23 cm

Fold-out book with photographs, including an original C-print, selected from a series taken by Jan Kempenaers during a road trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 2010. The images were shot with an advanced hand-held digital camera, which allowed him to work freely in a snapshot style whilst maintaining a very high quality. Within the context of Kempenaers body of work, this new series underlines his desire to shift further toward abstraction instead of documentary work. Design: Roger Willems. Edition: 500. ISBN 9789491843068

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210 Untitled (September Magazine) Paul Elliman 592 22 × 29 Vanity Press, London 2013

592 pages / 22 × 29 cm / in collaboration with Vanity Press, London

Artist's book by Paul Elliman. In a glossy volume approaching 600 pages, Elliman has collected images from a variety of sources - fashion magazines, glamour photography and pornography - cropping and arranging the clippings in a manner that especially emphasises the presence of hands, along with the many gestures of which they are capable. Also prevalent in the spectrum of clothed, semi-nude and nude human forms are limbs, feet, torsos and erogenous zones. Without any text or explanation, the series takes on a mesmerising aspect wherein the action of flipping through the pages becomes a kind of meditative contemplation of the fragmented human body. Design: Julie Peeters. ISBN 9789491843051

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209 Royal Collection of Belgium Michaël Borremans 68 17 × 14 Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp 2013

68 pages / 17 × 14 cm / in collaboration with Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp

A few years ago, Queen Paola invited Michaël Borremans to the Royal Palace of Brussels and commissioned a unique body of work for the Royal Collection of Belgium. Since 2010 six paintings and one video work are permanently installed at the Royal Palace. This ensemble has been collected in this small scale book. With an introduction by Hans Rudolf Reust (Dutch, French, German, English). Design: Kim Beirnaert. ISBN 9789491843044

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208 Cristof Yvoré Cristof Yvoré 68 22 × 26 Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp 2013

68 pages / 22 × 26 cm / in collaboration with Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp

French artist Cristof Yvoré is recognised for his blunt painting style and use of a distinct range of colour nuances, particularly forceful shades of brown and grey. Whether the corner of an empty room or a lonely vase with flowers set against a blank wall, Yvoré s heavy and bleak depictions offer contemplative windows towards personal memory, yet are released from the burden of narrative. The nuances of colour and nature of composition, plainly seen in this weighty volume s numerous reproductions, speak to the artist s body of work. Contributions by Alessandro Rabottini, Frédéric Valabrègue and Ilaria Bonacossa further explore the artist s dialogue with his painterly craft. Design: Kim Beirnaert. ISBN 9789491843020

Out of print

207 This Formless Thing Alexandra Navratil 176 15.5 × 21 Kunstmuseum Winterthur / SMBA Amsterdam 2013

176 pages / 15.5 × 21 cm / in collaboration with Kunstmuseum Winterthur / SMBA Amsterdam

This Formless Thing alludes to materials and artificial substances from which images are made, like celluloid, photosensitive emulsion, and pigments. Around a series of five thematically complementing works by Navratil, seven text contributions where written by Jennifer Burris, Simona Ciuccio, Natasha Ginwala, Esther Leslie, Matthew Solomon, Jelena Rakin, and Mirjam Varadinis. Published in conjunction with a solo exhibition by Alexandra Navratil in Kunstmuseum Winterthur, travelling to SMBA, Amsterdam. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843037

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206 The different possible variations, options, additions or substractions of the beginning of something. Marc Nagtzaam 12 21 × 29.7 2013

12 pages / 21 × 29.7 cm

Reproductions of six wall drawings made by Nagtzaam at San Serriffe, Amsterdam, during the month of June, 2013. Laserprint on paper, hand stapled in a numbered edition of 40 copies.

Out of print

205 Journal Drawings Henri Jacobs 492 24 × 34 2013

492 pages / 24 × 34 cm

A repository of nine years of drawing and collecting images. All Jacobs' journal drawings from 001 up to 666 are shown. For some of them, different stages of development are included. These stages reveal how a particular drawing evolved, and throughout the book, the evolution of Jacobs' drawing itself can be seen. A book with a huge number of images which, after painstaking labour, have received a place in which they can interact with each other through the eyes of the viewer. Design: Mevis & Van Deursen, Lu Liang. Made possible with the generous support of the Mondriaan Fund and the Flemish authorities. ISBN 9789077459997

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There is also a 32 × 24 cm print available in an edition of 50. Print with drawing on Dalbe 200 gr/m2.
Price: 250 Euro (or 300 Euro with a book). If you are interested please send us a mail.

204 A Glass of Water (Some Objects on the Path to Enlightenment) Saskia Janssen 84 21 × 27.7 2013

84 pages / 21 × 27.7 cm

Since 2011 Saskia Janssen has been attending weekly lessons in Buddhism at a small temple based in a cellar underneath a sunbed studio in Amsterdam-East. During these lessons, as well as at the monthly lectures and rituals overseen by visiting Lamas, she takes notes and makes sketches. Once she returns to her studio she transforms these into works: drawings, photos, sculpture and text. Alternatively Janssen revisits existing works, but from a new perspective. Design: Jaan Evart and Saskia Janssen. Edition: 750. ISBN 9789077459973

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203 In Memory of Things to Come Arnoud Holleman folded poster 100 × 70 CBK Rotterdam 2013

folded poster / 100 × 70 cm / in collaboration with CBK Rotterdam

1.000 questions for the year 2135, written on the occasion of the closure ceremony of the Time Capsule at the Wilhelminakade in Rotterdam on May 30, 2013. Dutch only. Design: Hans Gremmen

Out of print

202 Yonder Marnix Goossens 132 20 × 27 2013

132 pages / 20 × 27 cm

Yonder is a selection of works that document a seven year study of indoor elements that reflect Goossens' longing for freedom, independency and nature. This book was presented at Foam, Amsterdam on July 18th accompanied by a solo show with a selection of these works. With text by Maria Barnas. Design: Remco van Bladel. Made possible with the generous support of the Mondriaan Fund. ISBN 9789491843013

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A special edition with a 30 × 24 cm print is available at

201 Room with Broken Sentence Mark Manders 24 21 × 29.7 Mondriaan Fund / 55th Venice Biennial 2013

24 pages / 21 × 29.7 cm / in collaboration with Mondriaan Fund / 55th Venice Biennial

Brochure with photographs of Manders' installation at the Dutch Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennial, 2013. Edition: 30.000 (free for exhibition visitors)

Out of print

200 Room with Broken Sentence Mark Manders 176 21 × 27 Mondriaan Fund / 55th Venice Biennial 2013

176 pages / 21 × 27 cm / in collaboration with Mondriaan Fund / 55th Venice Biennial

Catalogue published on the occasion of Manders' exhibition in the Dutch Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennial, 2013. With an introduction by Lorenzo Benedetti (curator of the Pavilion) and contributions by 37 international writers who were invited to give a personal reflection on one aspect of Self-Portrait as a Building. For this, Manders supplied them with an image and a title to which they could respond. Editing and design: Roger Willems and Mark Manders. Link:

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Authors: Lorenzo Benedetti, Birgit Donker, Mark Manders, Maxwell L. Anderson, Maria Barnas, Stephan Berg, Achim Borchardt-Hume, Saskia Bos, Philippe Van Cauteren, Doryun Chong, Penelope Curtis, Nickel van Duijvenboden, Peter Eleey, Douglas Fogle, Gary Garrels, Jeffrey Grove, Hans den Hartog Jager, Jan Hoet, Laura Hoptman, Wonne Ickx, Yukie Kamiya, Toby Kamps, Mami Kataoka, Vincenzo Latronico, Maaike Lauwaert, Jean-Hubert Martin, Francois Piron, Philippe Pirotte, Yasmil Raymond, Hans Rudolf Reust, Lon Robbe, Dieter Roelstraete, Ralph Rugoff, Nancy Spector, Susan Lubowsky Talbott, Mirjam Varadinis, Olga Viso, Joel Wachs, Ida van Zijl, Heidi Zuckerman Jacobson.

199 Full Color Karel Martens 160 15.5 × 22 DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion, Tokyo 2013

160 pages / 15.5 × 22 cm / in collaboration with DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion, Tokyo

Visual essay of Karel Martens' studio, published on the occassion of the exhibition KM at ginza graphic gallery (Tokyo, Japan). With texts by David Senior and Karel Martens. Photography: Johannes Schwartz. Editing and Design: Julie Peeters & Karel Martens. ISBN 9789077459980

Out of print

198 Minyan Swizzle / Acolyte Frena Mark Manders 8 (x2) 35 × 48 Mondriaan Fund 2013

8 (x2) pages / 35 × 48 cm / in collaboration with Mondriaan Fund

Minyan Swizzle and Acolyte Frena are the 6th and 7th issues in a series of notional newspapers. These particular ones where produced to cover the entire entrance of the Dutch Pavilion as part of Manders' installation Room with Broken Sentence at the 55th Venice Biennial, 2013.

Out of print

197 The Moon Has a Complicated Geography various 120 + insert 17 × 24 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2013

120 pages + insert / 17 × 24 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Publication coinciding with the exhibition The Moon Has a Complicated Geography at De Vleeshal, Middelburg, in which the artists have been given 16 blank pages to employ as a parallel space, alongside those of De Vleeshal. Besides documenting the exhibition, the publication demonstrates some of the interpretative dynamics between the artists' ad hoc interventions on its pages. With contributions by Van Brummelen & De Haan, Arnoud Holleman, Hedwig Houben, Gert Jan Kocken, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Willem Oorebeek, Vincent Vulsma and Elisa van Joolen. Curated by Lorenzo Benedetti. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 978 90 77459 959

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196 The Exact Opposite of Distance. Notes on Representation Vol. 5 Irene Kopelman 72 21 × 28 Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen 2013

72 pages / 21 × 28 cm / in collaboration with Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen

This fifth volume with art projects by Irene Kopelman consists of three sets of drawings made in the Amazon rainforest (Light Fragments, From the River, Forest Windows), and a set of paintings (Forest Windows). Besides reproductions of the complete series, the book contains detailed work notes covering Kopelman's stay in the jungle from May 9 till June 20, 2012. In contrast to the wideness of the landscapes of rocks and glaciers she has previously worked on to reproduce in detail, Kopelman experienced an opposite of distance by working in a jungle that entirely surrounded her. Edited by Moosje Goosen. Design: Roger Willems. Text in English and Spanish. ISBN 9789077459942

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195 Lying Awake Geert Goiris 170 + insert 24 × 31 M - Museum Leuven 2013

170 pages + insert / 24 × 31 cm / in collaboration with M - Museum Leuven

The book contains a selection of 88 works from a period of 15 years. They have not been given a chronological or thematic order but have been set in sequence in a manner characteristic of Goiris whereby the images become the components of an estranged storyline. Whilst research plays an important role in his approach towards the subjects and geographical locations he depicts, Goiris removes the photos from their documentary reality and directs the work towards fiction. They are rather sublimated images that don t appear to be from here or from now. The captured images witness an almost disturbing wonderment, such as the image of the permafrost landscape wherein the tracks of vehicles remain visible for centuries. Comprising specifically written texts by Nickel van Duijvenboden, Matthew Vollgraff and Geert Goiris himself (Myths, Places and Protagonists), this book can be seen as a project in its own right and was presented in conjunction with a solo exhibition at Museum Leuven. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459935

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194 Tribune (Diary 1971 -1978) Luc Deleu DVD + booklet 20 × 25 Etablissement d'en face, Brussels / LLS 387, Antwerp 2013

DVD + booklet / 20 × 25 cm / in collaboration with Etablissement d'en face, Brussels / LLS 387, Antwerp

106 minutes conversation between Luc Deleu and Jef Lambrecht while flipping through, and commenting on Deleu's early diary 'Tribune', which was made between 1971 and 1978. The diary counts 300 pages, richly covered with clippings, photographs, advertisements, sketches, stamps, notes, drawings, logos, cartoons, advertising leaflets, and maps. Besides reflecting on world history and events taking place in the first half of the seventies, the book refers to Deleu's works created during this period, and to works that he realized only years later. Sublimated in collages, illustrations, sketches and projects, 'Tribune' expresses Deleu's fresh desire for a global mobility and mobile architecture, and marks the start of his "artistic journey". Text booklet: Christophe Van Gerrewey. Camera and editing: Wim Catrysse. With subtitles in Dutch and English. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 978 9077459 928

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193 Writing Over Kasper Andreasen 100 21 × 29 2013

100 pages / 21 × 29 cm

Writing Over is a drawing atlas which focuses on the relationship between the gestures of drawing, writing and map-making. The book serves as companion volume to the installation which was shown in 2012 at Netwerk in Aalst. The drawings which are partly derived from a personal and collective history are rendered in different types of landscapes and maps. These are accompanied by an 'Atlas Archive'; a study of surfaces used in this cartographic process  sketches, stamps, media images, engraving plates, notations and a short story by Louis Lüthi, entitled 'Unalaska Alaska'. Design and text by Louis Lüthi. ISBN 9789077459911

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Special edition: A copy of the book with an image transfer on paper. Size: 20.5 × 28.5 cm. Edition: 20
Price: Euro 50.-

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192 Iwar von Lücken: Selected Poems (With Annotations) Dieter Roelstraete 48 10.7 × 17.7 2013

48 pages / 10.7 × 17.7 cm

Collection of poems by Dieter Roelstraete, with annotations.
ISBN 978 90 77459 82 9

Staring at the world outside the train,
The dark-clad devil of longing for nothing
Has wormed his way into my brain.

The ghost of gloom cast the first glove;
I finally picked it up I no longer abstain.
Let the genie from the inkwell hover far above.

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191 Studio Matters +1 Massimo Bartolini 160 17 × 24 The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh / S.M.A.K. Ghent 2013

160 pages / 17 × 24 cm / in collaboration with The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh / S.M.A.K. Ghent

Italian artist Massimo Bartolini is mainly known for his installations, however he also works in video and photography. This book is published to accompany two complementary and overlapping exhibitions, in Edinburgh and Ghent. The focus is on a selection of smaller, sculptural objects, in addition to a pair of large, site-specific installation works. Besides a large amount of full-colour plates, an interview by Fiona Bradley and Philippe Van Cauteren lends insight into Bartolini s artistic process and perspective. Text in English. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 978 90 77459 89 8

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190 The Flanders Peninsula Bart Lodewijks 64 21 × 30 City of Ronse 2012

64 pages / 21 × 30 cm / in collaboration with City of Ronse

Invited by the City of Ronse - a small town in Belgium - Lodewijks worked in the Prinskouter district between 2010 and 2012. During this period of time he was producing drawings with blackboard chalk on walls. Starting by drawing on anonymous outdoor walls and industrial property, he became a known face in the area and succeeded to get permision to draw on facades and interiors of private homes. Next to images the book offers a beautiful text written by the artist about his encounters with the people in the neigbourhood. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 978 90 77459 90 4

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189 The Molyneux Problem Irene Kopelman 144 16.5 × 23.5 2012

144 pages / 16.5 × 23.5 cm

Kopelman described five projects dealing intensively with research, traveling, observing, and drawing. Her descriptions and work notes give insight in Kopelman's relation to science and point at the distinction between what one knows and what one sees. More than showing results she shares a mental process evolving in every project. In Meditation Piece she draws a tiny desert stone for a month on a daily base. Halfway she notes: 'And still, I like spending time in front of the stone, in front of a problem that repeats itself every day. It's a familiar feeling, and therefor gentle to the mind. How will I go about today? The stone is the same; I am most probably not.' The text has been adapted from her doctoral dissertation, defended in September 2011. Text edited by Moosje Goossen. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 978 90 77459 88 1

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188 From Action of Matchmaking Photons to Zen Buddhists' Bad Breath Voebe de Gruyter 216 23.5 × 34 2012

216 pages / 23.5 × 34 cm

Voebe de Gruyter is an artist who makes propositions about unexpected scientific phenomena and other patterns which reveal themselves in everyday situations. Her work abounds with elementary particles: points of concentration, information particles, small units which contain multitudes, the artist once explained. For this publication De Gruyter went through her complete inventory and studio archives. With texts by Maria Barnas and Roel Arkesteijn, plus explanatory notes by the artist for almost all of the works. Design: Felix Weigand. ISBN 978 90 77459 87 4

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187 Night Drawings Mark Manders 16 47 × 35 2012

16 pages / 47 × 35 cm

Twelve drawings and one photograph by Mark Manders. Design: Roger Willems. Edition: 400 copies

Out of print

186 Reference Book Mark Manders 536 17 × 24 Heineken Prize for Art 2012

536 pages / 17 × 24 cm / in collaboration with Heineken Prize for Art

Book covering Manders' oeuvre from the late 1980s until the present. With focus on a large number of previously unpublished works and facsimiles of previous artist's publications. Published on the occasion of the Heineken Prize for Art in 2010. With texts by Mark Manders, Nickel van Duijvenboden, and Maria Barnas. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459867

Out of print

185 Oeuvre sculpté, travaux pour amateurs Koenraad Dedobbeleer 112 19 × 23 Lokremise St.Gallen 2012

112 pages / 19 × 23 cm / in collaboration with Lokremise St.Gallen

This artist's book is published on the occasion of Dedobbeleer s solo exhibition at Lokremise St. Gallen, travelling to Centre d art contemporain d Ivry, Le Crédac, Ivry-sur-Seine, and De Vleeshal, Middelburg. The book, together with Dedobbeleer's sculptural works, reflects in a refined, and sometimes humorous manner on centuries-old traditions in sculpture, sophisticated design and banal, everyday culture. ISBN 9789077459850

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184 S.M.A.K. TRACK - a contemporary city conversation various 376 20 × 27 S.M.A.K. Ghent 2012

376 pages / 20 × 27 cm / in collaboration with S.M.A.K. Ghent

TRACK is an international art exhibition taking place in the public and semi-public space of Ghent from 12 May till 16 September 2012. It offers unexpected encounters with the city, its history and its inhabitants, stimulating reflection on urban realities and, in a wider sense, the contemporary human condition. Curators Philippe Van Cauteren and Mirjam Varadinis invited forty-one artists to conceive artworks strongly rooted in the urban fabric of Ghent, but linking the local context with issues of global significance. Participating artists: Lara Almarcegui, Pawel Althamer, Sven Augustijnen, Alexandra Bachzetsis, Massimo Bartolini, John Bock, Michaël Borremans, Mike Bouchet, Lonnie van Brummelen & Siebren de Haan, Christoph Büchel, Peter Buggenhout, Mircea Cantor, Leo Copers, Simona Denicolai, Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Cyprien Gaillard, Mekhitar Garabedian, Christina Hemauer Roman Keller, Adelita Husni-Bey, Tadashi Kawamata, Susanne Kriemann, Alon Levin, Erik van Lieshout, Bart Lodewijks, Emilio López-Menchero. Erwan Mahéo, Mark Manders, Teresa Margolles, Ahmet Ögüt, Ivo Provoost, Tobias Putrih, Tazu Rous, Yorgos Sapountzis, Superflex, Pilvi Takala, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Javier Téllez, Tercerunquinto, Benjamin Verdonck, Danh Vo, Lawrence Weiner. Texts: Claire Bishop, Chris Dercon, Boris Groys, Stefan Hertmans, a.o. (Dutch and English). Design: Roger Willems and Hans Gremmen. ISBN 978 90 77459 83 6

Out of print

183 Dun Briste, Downpatrick Head Jan Kempenaers 30 + print 23 × 33 Academy of Fine Arts Ghent 2012

30 pages + print / 23 × 33 cm / in collaboration with Academy of Fine Arts Ghent

As a follow up from Kempenaers' books Spomenik and Picturesque, the photographs in this leporello are also part of Kempenaers' artistic research project on contemporary picturesque. A filmic sequence of photographs of a massive rock is printed on a cardboard leporello which measures 33 × 345 cm when unfolded. It contains an original colour lambda print, signed and numbered in an edition of 500. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459843

Out of print

182 Apperception Daan van Golden 244 + supplement 24 × 30 WIELS, Brussels 2012

244 pages + supplement / 24 × 30 cm / in collaboration with WIELS, Brussels

From the early geometric abstraction to the recent series of silhouette paintings, passing through photographic works and ephemera never printed before, Apperception offers a comprehensive gathering of Daan van Golden s work to date. It also includes a list of his work, arranged by medium and chronologically, and the collections that hold them. Essays by Devrim Bayar, Sven Lütticken and Erik Thys (English/Dutch/French). Design: Inge Ketelers. ISBN 9789077459812

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181 Autumn of Modernism various 256 21 × 29.7 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2012

256 pages / 21 × 29.7 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Book with contributions by 14 artists who took part in the exhibition Autumn of Modernism at De Vleeshal, Middelburg, curated by Lorenzo Benedetti. The contributions somehow respond in an indirect way to the social changes of our day, such as the present economic crisis. With contributions by Gwenneth Boelens, Piet Dieleman, gerlach en koop, Sara van der Heide, Martijn Hendriks, Bas van den Hurk, Rob Johannesma, Katja Mater, Marc Nagtzaam, Falke Pisano, Petra Stavast, Batia Suter, Remco Torenbosch, Martijn in 't Veld. With an introduction by Lorenzo Benedetti. Design: Roger Willems and Louis Lüthi. ISBN 9789077459799

Out of print

180 The World Explained. A Microhistorical Encyclopedia Erick Beltrán 272 19 × 26.6 Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam 2012

272 pages / 19 × 26.6 cm / in collaboration with Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam

Divided over three exhibition projects taken place in Sao Paulo, Barcelona, and Amsterdam, Beltrán interviewed a large number of people and collected a variety of personal theories on all kind of subjects. He drew his inspiration from microhistory, a genre in cultural history that focuses on personal stories and apparently minor events, sketching a picture of a culture or mentality of a particular period. 'Our view of the world is determined not just by what we have learned about the world or even what we have actually experienced,' Beltrán explains. 'It consists to a large extent of suspicions, makeshift connections and personal interpretations.' With an introduction by Anke Bangma. Design: Erick Beltrán with Gabrielle Pauty and Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459805

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179 Me and Rodin Chapter 14 Arnoud Holleman 16 13.5 × 21 2012

16 pages / 13.5 × 21 cm

Chapter Fourteen is based on a transcription of a talk held by Arnoud Holleman on February 11, 2012 at castillo/corrales in Paris. It was distributed freely to the audience of the exhibition Roma Publications 1998-2012, at Research Centre for Artists Publications, Weserburg, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Bremen, from March 9 till May 13, 2012. Design: Roger Willems

Out of print

178 Ruth on the Phone Nigel Shafran 156 16.5 × 24 2012

156 pages / 16.5 × 24 cm

A series of chronologically ordered photographs taken by Nigel Shafran between 1995 and the 26th January 2004, the book takes the form of a novel without words. The sequence shows Ruth, first at the end of the telephone receiver, later on a cordless phone, the one constant as time and place change around her. Editor: Paul Elliman. Design: Julie Peeters. ISBN 9789077459768

Out of print

177 A Dutch Landscape - Un Paisaje Holandes Javier Hontoria (Editor) 76 20 × 28 La Casa Encendida Madrid 2012

76 pages / 20 × 28 cm / in collaboration with La Casa Encendida Madrid

Catalogue for the group exhibition Un Paisaje Holandes, curated by Javier Hontoria for La Casa Encendida Madrid, coinciding with the participation of the Netherlands as the guest country at ARCO, Madrid. The exhibition and catalogue offer an overview of the work of two different generations of the Dutch art scene - the one active in the late 1960s and early 1970s (Bas Jan Ader, Marinus Boezem, Stanley Brouwn, Jan Dibbets, and Ger van Elk) and the one born shortly afterwards (Feiko Beckers, Gwenneth Boelens, Sharon Houkema, Marijn van Kreij, Katja Mater, Navid Nuur, and Martijn in 't Veld). With text in English and Spanish by Javier Hontoria. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 978 90 77459 78 2

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176 Les études d'ombres Mark Manders 128 + 8 21 × 27 Carré d'Art, Musée d'art contemporain, Nîmes 2012

128 + 8 pages / 21 × 27 cm / in collaboration with Carré d'Art, Musée d'art contemporain, Nîmes

Catalogue published on the occasion of Manders' solo exhibition Les Études d'ombres at Carré d'Art, Musée d'art contemporain, Nîmes. With texts in French by Sylvie Coellier and Mark Manders. Design: Hans Gremmen. ISBN 9789077459711

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175 Spots of Time Rob Johannesma 128 17 × 24 ar/ge kunst, Bolzano / Museo Marino Marini, Firenze 2012

128 pages / 17 × 24 cm / in collaboration with ar/ge kunst, Bolzano / Museo Marino Marini, Firenze

Published on the occasion of the exhibition World-Wielding at ar/ge kunst Galerie Museum and the Marino Marini Museum in Florence. With text (English, Italian, German) by Rob Johannesma, Luigi Fassi and Alberto Salvadori. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459775

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174 RSE A Few Things One Is Not Allowed to Do Mark Manders
Roma Support Edition
print on cardboard 30 × 40 2011

print on cardboard / 30 × 40 cm

Drawing by Mark Manders, printed in diamond screen offset on 2 mm acid free card board, in a limited edition of 100. This is the first issue of the irregular Roma Support Edition-series. Profits will be used to fund upcoming publications. Price: EUR 250.- (30 × 40 cm, unframed)

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173 Picturesque Jan Kempenaers 80 33.5 × 26.5 Academy of Fine Arts Ghent 2012

80 pages / 33.5 × 26.5 cm / in collaboration with Academy of Fine Arts Ghent

45 landscapes and architecture photographs by Jan Kempenaers. This book, together with his previous book Spomenik (Roma Publication 141, 2010) present the results of Kempenaers' practice based research on 'contemporary picturesque'. Dirk De Meyer, quoted from this book: Yet, even when gratifying due to their composition and their living tints and endless varieties , Kempenaers photographs of landscapes altered by man forestall the nostalgia that has, over time, become typical for the picturesque. They force the viewer to remain in the present and think about its conditions and its future, and about the forces threatening our environment. Using Gilpin s topoi of the picturesque - which, by now, are themselves "classical" - Kempenaers' images confront us with the picturesque s slightly disconcerting aspects. As one visitor of the 1975 New Topographics exhibition at the George Eastman House observed, the photographs on display were saying "This is it, kid; take it for its beauty and its ugliness." Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459744

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173 SP Picturesque (special edition) Jan Kempenaers 80 + photo 33.5 × 26.5 Academy of Fine Arts Ghent 2012

80 pages + photo / 33.5 × 26.5 cm / in collaboration with Academy of Fine Arts Ghent

Special edition of Picturesque with an original photograph by Jan Kempenaers, printed in a limited edition of 30, signed and numbered by the artist. Lambda print, 30 × 24 cm

Sold out

172 My dad playing piano Arnoud Holleman audio cd 12.5 × 12.5 2011

audio cd / 12.5 × 12.5 cm

6 tracks of piano music separated by silent intervals, played by Wim Holleman (1926-1993) in the late eighties and early nineties. Remastered in 2011.

171 We made it our dream to move on. Monturiol updated Ruth Estévez, Sarah Demeuse (Editors) 168 13.5 × 20 Espai Cultural Obra Social Caja Madrid, Barcelona 2011

168 pages / 13.5 × 20 cm / in collaboration with Espai Cultural Obra Social Caja Madrid, Barcelona

This book is part and parcel of the exhibition project Nos hicimos la ilusión de avanzar directamente (We made it our dream to move on) shown at the Espai Cultural de Caja Madrid in Barcelona between November 23, 2011 and January 15, 2012. The title, a sentence culled from Monturiol s treatise, refers in this new context to the collective insistence on progress in cognitive, cultural and/or technical terms. With contributions by Ruth Estévez, Sarah Demeuse, Jorge Méndez Blake, Javier Toscano, Erick Beltrán, Mariana Castillo Deball, Eduardo Gil, Carla Herrera-Prats, Irene Kopelman, Erick Meyenberg, Ania Soliman, Batia Suter, and Pablo Vargas Lugo. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459737

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170 Pieter Vermeersch Pieter Vermeersch 36 24 × 32 Be-Part, Waregem 2011

36 pages / 24 × 32 cm / in collaboration with Be-Part, Waregem

Photographic documentation of a large wall painting by Vermeersch at Be-Part Waregem with a text by Dieter Roelstraete (Dutch/English). Photography: Pieter Huybrechts. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459720

Out of print

169 The Object of Criticism Benoît Maire 48 20 × 28 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2011

48 pages / 20 × 28 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Book after Benoît Maire's solo exhibition with the same title at De Vleeshal, Middelburg. With an introduction by Lorenzo Benedetti. Design: Louis Lüthi. ISBN 9789077459713

Out of print

168 DIABATA Olaf Nicolai folded paper 65 × 46 RAM Radioartemobile, Roma 2011

folded paper / 65 × 46 cm / in collaboration with RAM Radioartemobile, Roma

Compilation from dream journals, published as part of the installation Camera (After Poussin), 2011, on occasion of the exhibition The Third Tiger with Rossella Biscotti, Mark Manders, and Olaf Nicolai at RAM Radioartemobile, Roma, curated by Lorenzo Benedetti. Design: Roger Willems

Out of print

167 In Deed: Certificates of Authenticity in Art Susan Hapgood and Cornelia Lauf (Editors) 104 19 × 27 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2011

104 pages / 19 × 27 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Certificates of authenticity are a critical aspect of art works today. They often embody the artwork itself, while referring to it, serving as its deed, legal statement, and fiscal invoice. Certificates by artists validate the authorship and originality of the work and they allow the work of art to be positioned in the marketplace as a branded product. Providing examples of artists certificates from the past fifty years, this book reveals how roles have shifted and developed, as well as how the materials and content of art have changed.
With certificates by: Ruben Aubrecht, Judith Barry, Robert Barry/Stefan Brüggemann, Hemali Bhuta and Shreyas Karle, Pierre Bismuth, George Brecht, Marinus Boezem, Daniel Buren, Andre Caderé, Marcel Duchamp, Maria Eichhorn, Urs Fischer, Dan Flavin, Andrea Fraser, Liam Gillick, The Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation, Hans Haacke, Edward Kienholz, Yves Klein, Joseph Kosuth, Sol LeWitt, Ken Lum, Piero Manzoni, Gordon Matta-Clark, Josiah McElheny and Allan Kaprow, Jonathan Monk, Robert Morris, Antoni Muntadas, Yoko Ono, Cesare Pietroiusti, Adrian Piper, Emilio Prini, Robert Projansky and Seth Siegelaub, Raqs Media Collective, Robert Rauschenberg, Sharmila Samant, Joe Scanlan, David Shrigley, Daniel Spoerri, Haim Steinbach, Superflex, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Ben Vautier, Lawrence Weiner, Franz West, Cerith Wyn Evans, Carey Young, Andrea Zittel, Heimo Zobernig. Design: Louis Lüthi. ISBN 9789077459690

Out of print

166 Dirk Braeckman Dirk Braeckman 384 29 × 25 M - Museum Leuven 2011

384 pages / 29 × 25 cm / in collaboration with M - Museum Leuven

Dirk Braeckman is one of Belgium s leading artistic photographers. In each of his monumental photographic works, he creates an enclosed, isolated world that appears endless in its tactility, while at the same time gives short shrift to the illusions of the medium. These images do not aim to convey anything and yet they are suggestive of complete narratives. Braeckman in the introduction of the book: (...) we discovered a large number of 'new' images - images that had never been printed. Detached from the context in which I had made them, they could be viewed anew and forge new connections. A number of these discoveries are included in this publication. From a physical perspective, they have yet to achieve definitive form. Ordinarily, the work exists first, and is published at a later date. Here, the reverse is true in some cases. Certain works exist only on the pages of this book, untitled, without dimensions - I may produce them as prints at some point in the future. This publication is, therefore, an autonomous instrument. It presents a state of affairs: extant and unprinted works, in whatever form, without conventional themes, periods or sequences. As such, this publication is a cross between an artist's book and a survey publication. And I feel right at home with this synthesized form. With essays in English and Dutch by Martin Germann and Dirk Lauwaert. Design: Kim Beirnaert. ISBN 9789077459676

Out of print

165 24 European Ethnographic Museums Sara van der Heide 48 23 × 30 2011

48 pages / 23 × 30 cm

24 European Ethnographic Museums is a publication on a work with the same title by Sara van der Heide. This work consists of a series of 24 drawn museum names that show the Western obsession with the categorization and conservation of artefacts and people. With a text by Moosje Goosen. Design: Mevis & Van Deursen. ISBN 9789077459652

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164 Reissue Marc Nagtzaam 128 23.5 × 32 2011

128 pages / 23.5 × 32 cm

Monograph with a broad selection of Nagtzaam's work from 1995 to current date. Nagtzaam's meticulous graphite-gray pencil drawings are often abstract, geometric but also seek to be representations of a concrete reality or space. His drawings take up the entire page and appear almost impenetrable. "I m trying to find representations of a concrete reality, as well as those that can only be realized as drawings", he says. This idea is expressed in his use of scraps of text in his drawings and titles which offer little help in interpreting the works. While drawing usually implies that graphic marks generate meaning, the reverse is true with Nagtzaam s work. The drawings are like empy spaces, parallel to the world. I try to create a place that is not clearly defined . With texts in English by Chris Sharp and Dieter Roelstraete. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459706

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163 Nederland op de Biënnale van Venetië various 118 12 × 17 University of Amsterdam 2011

118 pages / 12 × 17 cm / in collaboration with University of Amsterdam

Series of interviews - in Dutch - with curators and artists who represented the Netherlands at the Venice Biennial over the past 10 years: Fiona Tan, Aernout Mik, Martijn van Nieuwenhuijzen, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Alicia Framis, Rein Wolfs, Jaap Guldemond, and Gitta Luiten. Edited by: Marta Gnyp, David Smidt van Gelder, Tom Vandeputte. Authors: Femke Truijens, Imara Limon, Janneke van Liempt, Jero van Nieuwkoop, Marthe van der Hilst, Matteo Kuijpers, Melchior Jaspers, Mels Evers, Tessa Verheul, Thomas Stokmans, Zippora Elders. Design: Joris Kritis & Julie Peeters. ISBN 9789077459652

Out of print

162 Carrara Aglaia Konrad 136 22 × 29 2011

136 pages / 22 × 29 cm

Aglaia Konrad uses film and photography to visually extend her interest in urban development, cityscapes and architecture. In this artist book she presents photographs taken in the Carrara region in Italy between 2008 and 2010, along with the 16mm film Concrete * Samples III Carrara . With a text by Angelika Stepken. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459669

Out of print

161 Looking at Trees. Notes on Representation Vol. 3 Irene Kopelman 40 21 × 28 2011

40 pages / 21 × 28 cm

Book containing two series of water color drawings:
- Dots in Tree (5 drawings)
- Tree Drawings (5 drawings)
Edition of 400 copies, signed and numbered by the artist.
Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459638

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160 Surface Series Batia Suter 240 + leporello 23 × 30 Culturgest, Lisbon 2011

240 pages + leporello / 23 × 30 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon

Surface Series - created by Batia Suter between 2008 and 2011 - contains images and fragments from other books. The recurrent use of photographic images is a common denominator in the work of Suter. Since the 1990s she makes use of enlarged photographic images to cover entire walls of exhibition spaces, exploring trompe l oeil effects and the relationship between the inside and outside of those spaces. In the same way she makes her books, like specific exhibitions on paper. With a text by Dieter Roelstraete. ISBN 9789077459645

Out of print

159 X Points of View. Notes on Representation Vol. 2 Irene Kopelman 144 21 × 28 2011

144 pages / 21 × 28 cm

Book containing five series of drawings from objects, observed from different angles:
- 1 Point of View (160 glue stains from 1 angle)
- 2 Points of View (24 crystals and fossils from 2 angles)
- 3 Points of View (50 pieces of construction waste from 3 angles)
- 16 Points of View (1 fossil from 16 angles)
- 24 Points of View (46 stones from 24 angles)
Edition of 400 copies, signed and numbered by the artist.
Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459621

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158 Provisional Space Kees Goudzwaard 96 22 × 29 2011

96 pages / 22 × 29 cm

Book with 55 reproductions of oil paintings by Kees Goudzwaard, made between 2006 and 2011. With a text by Ilaria Bonacossa. ISBN 9789077459607

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157 Inner Glow Wouter van Riessen 32 17 × 23.5 2011

32 pages / 17 × 23.5 cm

Paintings by Wouter van Riessen with an interview by Nickel van Duijvenboden.
Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459614

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156 Set Amsterdam Dana Lixenberg 72 24 × 24 Willy Waltz International 2011

72 pages / 24 × 24 cm / in collaboration with Willy Waltz International

For Set Amsterdam, Dana Lixenberg photographed dozens of Amsterdam locations featured in the Dutch drama series A'dam / E.V.A. by Norbert ter Hall and Robert Alberdingk Thijm. Fascinated by the multitude and variety of places in the script, she decided to make a photo series of the city she left for New York more than twenty years ago: her birthplace, Amsterdam. With a text by Jurriaan Benschop. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459591

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155 Dos Casas Interconectadas Mark Manders 80 17.2 × 22.5 Casa Luis Barragan, Mexico City 2011

80 pages / 17.2 × 22.5 cm / in collaboration with Casa Luis Barragan, Mexico City

Published on the occasion of a site specific intervention by Manders in Casa Luis Barragan, Mexico City (February-April 2011).

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154 50 Metres Distance or More. Notes on Representation Vol. 4 Irene Kopelman 120 21 × 28.5 2011

120 pages / 21 × 28.5 cm

A collection of drawings and texts by Irene Kopelman, gathered during a journey to the Antarctic from January 6-26th 2010, aboard the expedition sailboat Spirit of Sydney. Text in English and Spanish, edited by Nickel van Duijvenboden. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459584

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153 Obra de Referencia Mark Manders 96 14 × 19.6 Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City 2011

96 pages / 14 × 19.6 cm / in collaboration with Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City

Small-sized book with a broad selection of Manders' works, published on the occasion of a solo show in Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil in Mexico City (February-April 2011). Text in Spanish by Mark Manders and Ruth Estéves. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459577

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152 Beyond the Dust. Artists' Documents Today various 210 15 × 21 Dena Foundation / De Vleeshal, Middelburg / Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, Paris 2011

210 pages / 15 × 21 cm / in collaboration with Dena Foundation / De Vleeshal, Middelburg / Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, Paris

Catalogue with artists' contributions on the occasion of the group exhibition Beyond the Dust - Artists' Documents Today, curated by Francesca di Nardo in collaboration with Lorenzo Benedetti. Participating artists: Linda Fregni Nagler, Mark Geffriaud, Invernomuto, Jeroen Kooijmans, Irene Kopelman, Benoît Maire, Diego Marcon, Clément Rodzielski, Roma Publications, Batia Suter, Richard Sympson, Raphaël Zarka. Texts by Lorenzo Benedetti, and Francesca di Nardo. Edited and designed by Roger Willems in collaboration with Gwenneth Boelens. The book was commissioned by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, Centre national des arts plastiques (CNAP). ISBN 9789077459560

Out of print

151 City People Ringel Goslinga 304 15.5 × 20 2011

304 pages / 15.5 × 20 cm

City People is a personal encounter of Ringel Goslinga with the city he lives and works in: Amsterdam. For this project he documented the different circles of his social surroundings. Resulting in 122 black and white portraits, made with a large format camera. The portraits vary in intimacy, but the intensity is of every portrait is constant. In this publication all portraits are categorized, which results in a unique documentation of a city, and its citizens. Design: Hans Gremmen. ISBN 9789077459546

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150 Geen spiegel kan je behoeden / No Mirror Can Guard You Nickel van Duijvenboden 96 17 × 24 2011

96 pages / 17 × 24 cm

Selection of texts by Nickel van Duijvenboden. "When I was twenty, I decided to keep a record of the occurences I believed would leave a mark on me. I wrote them down in as few words as possible and preferably on the same day, in an attempt to preserve them from the distortions of memory. This accumulated naturally into a compact archive of incidents in which self-consciousness repeatedly wedges itself into everyday reality." Design: Roger Willems. Cover drawing: Marc Nagtzaam. Text in Dutch and English. ISBN 9789077459553

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149 (Innere Stimme) Olaf Nicolai / Jean-Luc Nancy 16 24 × 33.5 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2010

16 pages / 24 × 33.5 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Text by French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy on occasion of the work (Innere Stimme) by Olaf Nicolai, presented at the Vleeshal in Middelburg from Nov 11 - Dec 12, 2010. 'Innere Stimme' is the title of a notation by Robert Schumann in his Humoreske, Opus 20, used by Nicolai as instruction for a sound performance. Design: Roger Willems. Text in French & English. ISBN 9789077459539

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148 Retitled Arnoud Holleman 10 + envelop + napkin 25 × 18 2010

10 pages + envelop + napkin / 25 × 18 cm

Text and 10 b&w photographs, and a paper napkin with a title of a famous art work, as used at a pop festival with 30,000 visitors and more than 60 bands from all over the world. Think of this as a window, The futility of artistic confession, and I'm too sad to tell you. These were printed on to the half a million napkins along with the other seven titles, in a businesslike, 'un-designed' font, without any references to the original works of art or the artists that had made the works. During the three days of the festival, they were subsequently dispersed to the many food and drink vendors on the festival site.

Out of print

147 Portraits Liedeke Kruk 264 20 × 26.5 2010

264 pages / 20 × 26.5 cm

More than 200 portraits of artists and art related people, made by Liedeke Kruk over a period of sixteen years. During those years Kruk was participating in exhibitions herself, including ground braking group shows Sonsbeek in Arnhem, the Netherlands, and This Is the Show and the Show Is Many Things in Ghent, Belgium. As participating artist she made her work of portraying her fellow artists in an informal way, and exhibited the results on the spot. Design: Roger Willems. Edition 600. ISBN 9789077459522

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Adam Colton, Aernout Mik, Agnes Denes, Alan Murray, Albert Waalkens, Alberto Garutti, Ann Lislegaard, Anne Decock, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Anton Henning, Avery Preesman, Barbara Visser, Bart De Baere, Berlinde de Bruyckere, Bernard Heesen, Beth Namenwirth, Bill Viola, Björn Dahlem, Borek Sípek, Brian Tolle, Brigitte van der Sande, Callum Morton, Carina Diepens, Catherine David, Ceciel van Delft, César, Cherry Duyns, Chohreh Feyzdjou, Chris Dercon, Christian Boltanski, Ciel van Dooren, Claes Oldenburg, Coosje van Bruggen, Cornel Bierens, Dan Graham, Daniel Buren, David Bade, David Claerbout, Dirk Braeckman, Douglas Gordon, Ebru Özseçen, Edwin Jacobs, Elly Stegeman, Elly Strik, Elske Neus, Emilio Lopez-Menchero, Eran Schaerf, Erik van Lieshout, Eulalia Valldosera, Federico Fusi, Fiona Tan, Fons Welters, Franky DC, Franz Pomassl, Gabriel Orozco, Ger van Elk, Germaine Kruip, Gert Robijns, Gillian Wearing, Giovanni Anselmo, Giuseppe Penone, Guillaume Bijl, Hale Tenger, Ham Jin, Hans Aarsman, Hans van der Pennen, Hans van Manen, Helena Dumas, Hendrik & Merel Driessen, Hendrik-Jan Hunneman, Henrietta Lehtonen, Hermann Nitsch, Hester Oerlemans, Honoré dO, Ianthe Elbers, Ida Lohman, Jacques Palinckx, Jan Broekstra, Jan De Cock, Jan Hoet, Jason Rhoades, JCJ Vanderheyden, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Jeff Wall, Jeroen Doorenweerd, Jeroen Eisinga, Jim Isermann, Jimmie Durham, Jo Baer, Joachim Rooyackers, Job Koelewijn, Joep van Lieshout, Johan van Oord, John Isaacs, John Körmeling, Jon Pylypchuk, José Damasceno, José Pedro Croft, Josse De Pauw, Josue Pellot, Juliana, Jutta Koether, Karel Appel, Klaar van der Lippe, Klaas Gubbels, Klaasje Vroon, Koen Theys, Korrie Besems, Krien Clevis, Lara Schnitger, Lawrence Weiner, Luc Tuymans, Luuk Wilmering, Manfred Pernice, ManfreDu Schu, Marc Nagtzaam, Maria Roosen, Maria Thereza Alves, Marie-Ange Guilleminot, Marien Schouten, Marie-Puck Broodthaers, Marina Abramovic, Mark Bain, Mark Manders, Marlene Dumas, Marry Overtoom, Masato Kobayashi, Matthew Monahan, Maxime Ansiau, Meredith Monk, Meschac Gaba, Michel François, Mike Kelley, Miroslaw Balka, Moniek Toebosch, Mynke Buskens, Naam, Nedko Solakov, Paul Andriesse, Peter De Cupere, Peter Fengler, Peter Fillingham, Petulia van Tiggelen, Philip Akkerman, Philippe Van Cauteren, Pipilotti Rist, Q.S.Serafijn, Reinier Lucassen, Rémy Zaugg, René Daniëls, Rob Birza, Robin Winters, Roland Schimmel, Rosemarie Trockel, Sander Luske, Sara Blokland, Sara van der Heide, Sarah Sze, Saskia Janssen, Scarlett Hooft Graafland, Sigmar Polke, Simone Decker, Sophie Calle, Sophie Hoorens van Heijningen, Stephen Nicholas, Suchan Kinoshita, Susanne Tunn, Tacita Dean, Teuny Tukker, Thea Veel, Thierry De Cordier, Thomas Schütte, Thomas Struth, Tom Claassen, Vaast Colson, Vadim Fishkin, Wiebo van Mulligen, Wilma Diepens, Wim Delvoye, Wim Van Mulders, Wouter van Riessen

146 Slide Projections Mark Manders 120 + 8 24 × 33 2010

120 + 8 pages / 24 × 33 cm

Artist book by Mark Manders, published on the occasion of his tour through the U.S.A. (the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, the Aspen Art Museum, the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and the Dallas Museum of Art). Design: Roger Willems. Edition of 900 numbered copies. ISBN 9789077459515

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145a Open Days / De Kabinetten van de Vleeshal Marije Langelaar (ed.) 32 21 × 27 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2010

32 pages / 21 × 27 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Collection of poems (in Dutch) and works of art selected by Marije Langelaar in collaboration with Mark Manders and Roger Willems. With contributions by Petra Stavast, Nachoem M. Wijnberg, Eva Cox, Luc Deleu, Albertina Soepboer, Alfred Schaffer, Marc Nagtzaam, Dirk Braeckman, Raymond Taudin Chabot, K Michel , Luc Tuymans, Dana Schutz, Jan Kempenaers, Tonnus Oosterhoff, Marten Hendriks, Wouter Godijn, Rien Vroegindeweij, Hans Groenewegen, Mark Manders, Peter Verhelst, Vrouwkje Tuinman, Maria Barnas, Anuschka Blommers, Niels Schumm, Geert Goiris, Esther Jansma, Elma van Haren, Adrian Paci, Gino De Dominicis. This edition was published on the occasion of the exhibition Beyond the Dust - Artists' Documents Today at De Kabinetten van de Vleeshal, Middelburg (17.09-12.12 2010)

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145b Open Days / La Fabbrica del Vapore Marije Langelaar (ed.) 32 21 × 27 La Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan 2010

32 pages / 21 × 27 cm / in collaboration with La Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan

Italian edition of Roma publication 145a, published on the occasion of the exhibition Beyond the Dust - Artists' Documents Today at La Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan (7.10-28.10 2010). Translated from Dutch to Italian by Pierluigi Lanfranchi.

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145c Open Days / Fondation d'entreprise Ricard Marije Langelaar (ed.) 32 21 × 27 Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, Paris 2011

32 pages / 21 × 27 cm / in collaboration with Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, Paris

French edition of Roma publication 145a, published on the occasion of the exhibition Beyond the Dust - Artists' Documents Today at Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, Paris (10.1-29.1 2011). Translated from Dutch to French by Kim Andringa.

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144 The man who never experienced anything Luuk Wilmering 128 12 × 17 Noord-Holland Biënnale 2010 2010

128 pages / 12 × 17 cm / in collaboration with Noord-Holland Biënnale 2010

Artist book in an edition of 500. ISBN 9789081576918

I awoke unexpectedly early
but didn't get up right away.

Then when I finally opened the curtains
I saw it was a beautiful day.

Out of print

143 Sechsundzwanzig Wiener Tankstellen Sebastian Hackenschmidt, Stefan Oláh 80 17 × 22.5 2010

80 pages / 17 × 22.5 cm

While the typical American gas station has long since spread world-wide, its Viennese counterpart testifies to the survival of a distinct and tender European metropolitan variety which nestles up against apartment buildings, occupies the small gaps between buildings, hides in courtyards or positions its pumps somewhere on the curbstone. With text by Sebastian Hackenschmidt, and photographs by Stefan Oláh. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459454

Out of print

142 Jo Baer. Broadsides & Belles Lettres. Selected Writings and Interviews 1965-2010 Jo Baer (Roel Arkesteijn ed.) 184 + 64 29 × 24 2010

184 + 64 pages / 29 × 24 cm

Approximately 50 texts - richly illustrated -, published and unpublished, written between 1965 and the present: letters, essays, interviews, articles, facsimiles of illustrated texts, transcripts of talks, and a book-in-progress: Revisioning the Parthenon. The items are of disparate length and tone and cover subjects ranging from optics to orchids, cultural politics to ancient Greek iconography, art theory and philosophy to the mixed pleasures of living in a drafty castle in the Irish countryside. To all these diverse topics Baer brings formidable powers of analysis, rigorous logic, a penchant for provocation, lively wit and an inimitable, exacting use of language - the same ingredients that go into her art. Design: Roger Willems. 184 pp hardcover + 64 pp appendix. Made possible with the support of Fonds BKVB, Galerie Paul Andriesse, and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. In English. ISBN 978 90 77459 49 2

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141 Spomenik Jan Kempenaers 64 33.5 × 24.5 2010

64 pages / 33.5 × 24.5 cm

Series of photographs of abandoned monuments in former Yugoslavia. Willem Jan Neutelings, quoted from this book: "The Antwerp-based photographer Jan Kempenaers undertook a laborious trek through the Balkans in order to photograph a series of these mysterious objects. He captures the Spomeniks in the misty mountain landscape at sundown. Looking at the photographs one must admit to a certain embarrassment. We see the powerful beauty of the monumental sculptures and we catch ourselves forgetting the victims in whose name they were built. This is in no way a reproach to the photographer, but rather attests to the strength of the images. After all, Kempenaers did not set out as a documentary photographer, but first and foremost as an artist seeking to create a new image. An image so powerful that it engulfs the viewer. He allows the viewer to enjoy the melancholy beauty of the Spomeniks, but in so doing, forces us to take a position on a social issue." Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459508

Out of print

140 Proposal for Permanent Chalk Drawings in the Moscou District of Ghent (Unforgettable Neighbourhood) Bart Lodewijks 64 21 × 30 S.M.A.K. Ghent 2010

48 pages / 21 × 30 cm / in collaboration with S.M.A.K. Ghent

Report of a remarkable art project in the public space. The subtitle of this book is 'Proposal for Permanent Chalk Drawings in the Moscou District of Ghent'. For more than three years Bart Lodewijks was making drawings with blackboard chalk on walls throughout a neighbourhood in the outskirts of Ghent, called Moscou. Slowly, he became a known face in the area and succeeded to get permision to draw on facades and interiors of private homes. Next to images of the work, the book contains short texts by the artist and letters to the director of S.M.A.K. and the director of NMBS - the Belgian railway company - to come to a special agreement concerning one specific house. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459485

Out of print

139 On the Self-Reflexive Page Louis Lüthi 160 13 × 20 2010

160 pages / 13 × 20 cm

Priè d'insérer (by Louis Lüthi) - The subject of this book is the page, and the pages reproduced in it are taken from works of literature (or, in some cases, art books that derive specifically from literature). I have chosen to present them thematically, resulting in a typology of self-reflexive pages: Black Pages, Blank Pages, Drawing Pages, Photography Pages, Text Pages, Number Pages, and Punctuation Pages. The repetition this entails is somewhat deceptive (for a start, the reader will observe the slight but not insignificant differences between the visual and verbal presentations); in literature, such devises are often used as a counterpoint to what has preceded or what will follow in the narrative. And the same means may evidently be used to different ends. For these reasons, and because the book attempts only to trace an isolated theme through numerous and often otherwise unrelated works, the reader is in all instances referred to the original publications, which are listed in the bibliography. ISBN 9789077459478

Out of print

138 A NOT B Uta Eisenreich 128 21.5 × 28.5 2010

128 pages / 21.5 × 28.5 cm

Book with recent photographic work by Uta Eisenreich focussing on the shortcomings of our cognitive tool-kit. A NOT B walks us along the fine line between common sense and uncommon nonsense in a realm reminiscent of pre-school books, assessment tests and optical illusions. Design: Julia Born. ISBN 9789077459461

Out of print

137 Superquadra Erik van der Weijde 176 16 × 22 2010

176 pages / 16 × 22 cm

Book with over 160 photographs by Erik van der Weijde of large residential blocks in Brasilia, named Superquadras. Each block, as repeating element in Lucio Costa's master plan for Brazil's new capital, was built within a distinct configuration, with an average of eleven residential buildings raised on pilotis, with a height limit of six floors. Besides 30 of these residential blocks in Brasilia, Van der Weijde also visited a residential complex in Rio de Janeiro, designed by Costa in 1948, which is considered to be forerunner of the Superquadras. Brasilia was inaugurated 50 years ago, on April 21, 1960. Design: Roger Willems and Erik van der Weijde. ISBN 9789077459430

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136 Ashes and Broken Brickwork of a Logical Theory Susanne Kriemann 128 13 × 19.5 Künstlerhaus Stuttgart / KIOSK, Ghent 2010

128 pages / 13 × 19.5 cm / in collaboration with Künstlerhaus Stuttgart / KIOSK, Ghent

Text fragments and photo sequences reflecting the trajectory that Susanne Kriemann pursued in relation to archaeology, the artefact, the image of the individual at work, and the idea of the desert as a symbol of the modern desire to create an empty slate, a tabula rasa. Material from Agatha Christies photographic archives is related to photographs by Kriemann of the Syrian desert and archaeological sites in Mesopotamia. This associative working method allows the artist to dig towards the past and to disassociate the idea of modernity from ideological connotations, and analyze the writing of recent history as a formal system of organization. With texts by Dieter Roelstraete, Wim Waelput, Axel John Wieder. Design: Christopher Jung and Tobias Wenig, Berlin. ISBN 9789077459447

Out of print

135 Plans d'evasion Michel Francois 360 26,5 × 21 S.M.A.K., Ghent / I.A.C., Villeurbanne 2010

360 pages / 26,5 × 21 cm / in collaboration with S.M.A.K., Ghent / I.A.C., Villeurbanne

Extensive monograph about the work of Michel Francois. With texts by Guillaume Desanges and Jean-Paul Jacquet, and an introduction by Philippe Van Cauteren and Nathalie Ergino.
Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459416

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Epilogue: In a seemingly marked-out, hierarchical world which is far more chaotic and uncontrolled than it appears, Michel Francois's essentially sculptural work, which on the contrary is obviously chaotic and subtly framed, is a model of sensual and ideological reconfiguration of the immediate. His delight in forms and games of representation derives from his wonderment at the world's materials, nature, situations or ideas. Despite the sometimes sombre rawness of some references, the artist ultimately sets out to reconcile what are sometimes distant and contradictory fields in the world of art. Highly formal sculpture underpinned by a set of complex theoretical and ideological strata, laying claim to a liberal art, while accepting the slavish share of work. The ideological issues of modernity (the everyday as material, art as a cosa mentale, universality of forms, abstraction, seriality), without ignoring the great issues of classical art (perspective, nature, manual work, metaphor, illusion, trompe-l'oeil). A focus on the world and on the intimate sphere, neutralised by elegant detachment from forms. Representative clarity and simplicity, contrasted with indeterminate perception. In short, acceptance of physical and moral responsibility for the fundamental demands of sculpture, without sacrificing freedom, risk and uncertainty. (Guillaume Desanges)

134 Two Connected Houses Mark Manders 48 21,5 × 28 Fillip, Vancouver / The Guggenheim Museum, New York 2010

48 pages / 21,5 × 28 cm / in collaboration with Fillip, Vancouver / The Guggenheim Museum, New York

Conceived as a proposal for The Guggenheim Museum in New York, this book, or magazine, guides you through an imaginary exhibition with works by Manders, spread out over two houses connected with a tunnel from kitchen to kitchen. 'Two Connected Houses' will be on show at 'Contemplating the Void: Interventions in the Guggenheim Museum', New York, February 12 - April 28, 2010 and will also be distributed, as a 48 page insert of Manders' newspaper 'Traducing Ruddle', through newspaper boxes in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside during the months of February and March. Design: Hans Gremmen.

Out of print

133 Traducing Ruddle Mark Manders 8 35 × 48 Fillip, Vancouver 2010

8 pages / 35 × 48 cm / in collaboration with Fillip, Vancouver

'Traducing Ruddle' is the 5th in a series of "fake" newspapers, especially produced to be used in Manders' sculptures. Together with the 48 page insert 'Two Connected Houses', it is distributed through newspaper boxes in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside during the months of February and March. Sheets from 'Traducing Ruddle' form also the central element of a 'Window with Fake Newspapers', a site-specific public work on view in Vancouver through March 28th. Typography: Hans Gremmen.

Out of print

132 Passages Through (the Unfinished Monument) Tamuna Chabashvili, Adi Hollander, Vesna Madzoski (ed.) 192 20 × 13 Public Space With A Roof 2010

192 pages / 20 × 13 cm / in collaboration with Public Space With A Roof

Story about a project for the KIASMA Museum in Helsinki, Finland, that was canceled two weeks before its realization. It was intended to become an installation of three intersecting Moebius strips 'circling' around the gallery, functioning as a platform to exhibit works of other artists. Finally only a model of this structure was created and photographed with a pinhole camera. On the images, the structure is still visible, but their blurry and foggy atmosphere shows a different universe, closer to the world of dreams and imagination. The book includes 17 series of photographs, each of them offering a slightly different imaginary walk through the structure, accompanied by fragments of texts by several individuals who inspired the artists while working on the project: Vladimir Odoevsky, Frederick Kiesler, Walter Benjamin, Susan Buck-Morss, Juhani Pallasmaa, Italo Calvino, and Steven Holl. The book also contains a theoretical reflection on the artistic process and experience of cancelling a project. Design: Roger Willems. Edition 1000 copies. ISBN 9789077459423

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131 In Dark Trees Rob Johannesma 112 + 2 cards 24 × 16.5 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2010

112 pages + 2 cards / 24 × 16.5 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Publication based on Johannesma's exhibition Uitval uit een at De Vleeshal Middelburg (2009). With text by Lorenzo Benedetti. Edition 600 copies. ISBN 9789077459409

Out of print

130 Cast (part 2) Raymond Taudin Chabot 32 16 × 23 Fw: 2009

32 pages / 16 × 23 cm / in collaboration with Fw:

The booklet starts with a sequence of photographs and reproductions leading to an image of a golden pretzel, depicting a sculpture by Taudin Chabot. It reads like a reflection on different representational forms of decorum and their flipside within photography. Unexpectedly the sequence switches to images of clocks, tables, television sets, gambling machines, newspapers and a whole range of devices that are commonly deployed to kill time. Their origin remains opaque but they indicate a parallel reality that is precarious and clandestine. Edition 600 copies. Made in collaboration with Roger Willems.

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129 Libero Petra Stavast 200 18 × 25 2009

200 pages / 18 × 25 cm

In an abandoned house in Calabria (Italy) Petra Stavast found old pictures and letters. She started to search for the people on these pictures and reconstructed the story behind the images. Design: Hans Gremmen. Edition 750 copies. ISBN 9789077459386

Out of print

128 Extended Caption (DDDG) Stuart Bailey 112 34.5 × 24.5 Culturgest, Lisbon / Dexter Sinister, New York 2009

112 pages / 34.5 × 24.5 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon / Dexter Sinister, New York

An exhibition in Culturgest, Porto provided the seventh occasion for Stuart Bailey to show a group of artefacts whose only shared connection was that they had appeared somewhere in the pages of Dot Dot Dot - a magazine which he has edited since its conception in 2000. The publication plays with the idea of inverting the regular hierarchy of this magazine where texts are generally treated as primary and images secondary. It contains a leporello reproduction of the exhibition wall with all the 43 artefacts, followed by subsequent reproductions of 43 previously published Dot Dot Dot articles, systematically presented as captions of these artefacts. With texts by Stuart Bailey and Jan Verwoert. Design: Roger Willems and Sam de Groot. ISBN 9789077459379

Out of print

127 Blaka Watra Spiders (Me & You on a Golden Avenue) Saskia Janssen 64 21 × 28.5 Art and Public Space Research Group, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam 2009

64 pages / 21 × 28.5 cm / in collaboration with Art and Public Space Research Group, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam

Report on Janssen's encounters in the Blaka Watra drug users' room in Amsterdam during the period 2006 to 2008. With drawings of spiderwebs by Blaka Watra visitors. Jackson: 'This is the real shit, man! A spiderweb! That's my life.' Design: Jaan Evart & Indrek Sirkel. ISBN 9789077459362

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126 I pass, like night, from land to land; I have strange power of speech. Paul Elliman 16 17 × 24 2009

16 pages / 17 × 24 cm

'Phantom Radio Extended Shipping Forecast'. Notes for radio imagery and typography. Collected, compiled and rewritten by Paul Elliman as supplement to Batia Suter's Parallel Encyclopedia. Designed by Radim Pesko with Roger Willems.

Out of print

125 Reverse Chronology JCJ Vanderheyden 32 21 × 26 2009

32 pages / 21 × 26 cm

Reverse Chronology, subjectively compiled by the artist. This booklet is a reproduction of a hand glued sketch made during the process of making The Analogy of the Eye (Roma 122). Printed in an edition of 750 copies.

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124 Heel Ander Blad Luuk Wilmering 24 30 × 41.5 De Pont, Tilburg 2009

24 pages / 30 × 41.5 cm / in collaboration with De Pont, Tilburg

Newspaper collage by Luuk Wilmering, handmade between 2006-2008, compiled with text and image fragments from regular issues of NRC Handelsblad. This newspaper is part of the presentation Luuk Wilmering / Krant - Journal at De Pont, Tilburg, in 2009.

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123 One Time One Million (Migratory Birds / Romantic Capitalism) Susanne Kriemann 122 22 × 27.5 Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam 2009

122 pages / 22 × 27.5 cm / in collaboration with Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam

An original Swedish Hasselblad camera is the point of departure for One Time One Million. Because the camera dates from 1942, this object launched Kriemann straight back into history. Kriemann succeeds in pushing the concrete politics that adhere to this object into the background. That gives her room to say much more than she would have had a chance to say in a specifically political context: she can bring clusters together in new images, make new connections, rearrange things, tinker around, and thus arrive at new insights. (Els Roelandt in SMBA Newsletter No. 108)
Photographs by Susanne Kriemann, Viktor Hasselblad and anonymous sources. Texts by Cecilia Widenheim, Dieter Roelstraete, Aleksander Komarov, Soeren Gunnarsson, Ulrika Flink, Ida Lowgren.
Design: NODE Berlin/Oslo. Hardcover. Edition: 750. ISBN 9789077459355

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122 JCJ Vanderheyden / The Analogy of the Eye JCJ Vanderheyden 264 21 × 26 Culturgest, Lisbon 2009

264 pages / 21 × 26 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon

Monography of Dutch artist JCJ Vanderheyden (1928-2012), presented with a retrospective exhibition in Culturgest, Lisbon. Edited and designed by Roger Willems, Mark Manders and Jaap van Triest in close collaboration with the artist. Texts by Nickel van Duijvenboden, Mark Kremer, Dieter Roelstraete and Miguel Wandschneider. Texts in English, with translations in Portuguese and Dutch. ISBN 9789077459317. "Science progresses, art does not - art always starts afresh." JCJVDH

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121 Untitled (Onkenhout) Arnoud Holleman 6 (leporello) 21 × 29.7 2008

6 pages (leporello) / 21 × 29.7 cm

Text piece by Arnoud Holleman about the reason and history of a shiny little sculpture. The sculpture and this publication - with photographs by Simon Wald-Lasowski - were on show at the exhibition Questioning History at the Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam.

Out of print

120 (Untitled) Geert Goiris 8 (leporello) 21 × 27 Wiels, Brussels 2008

8 pages (leporello) / 21 × 27 cm / in collaboration with Wiels, Brussels

1. Suspension, 2. Whiteout #17, 3. Toijska, 4. Milton Keynes, 5. Inertia, 6. Untitled, 7. Palanga. Print: Cassochrome, Waregem. Design: Roger Willems

Out of print

119 Hypocotyl Raki Mark Manders 16 35 × 48 2008

16 pages / 35 × 48 cm

Papier-mache newspaper, especially produced to be used in Manders' sculptures. Typography: Hans Gremmen.

Out of print

118 Plateau Nickel van Duijvenboden 48 (x2) 14 × 20.5 2008

48 pages (x2) / 14 × 20.5 cm

Novel written by Van Duijvenboden, published as set of two books; one in English and one in Dutch. Plateau features two scientists stationed on the Arctic drift ice for a year in the Cold War era. "Except for the stars there were no reference points here: no hills, no mainland, no vegetation &ndash nothing that counterbalanced the uniform character of this frozen ocean landscape." The question how the expedition members should relate to this landscape forms the heart of a discussion which seems to be driving them apart. ISBN 9789077459331

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117 Siedlung Erik van der Weijde 256 16 × 22 2008

256 pages / 16 × 22 cm

240 Houses in 16 settlements, built in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, photographed by Van der Weijde in the spring of 2008. ISBN 9789077459324

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116 Wonder Years / Werkplaats Typografie 1998-2008 various 256 23 × 30 ArtEz, Arnhem 2008

256 pages / 23 × 30 cm / in collaboration with ArtEz, Arnhem

Book on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Werkplaats Typografie in Arnhem. Edited and designed by Alex DeArmond, Jeremy Jansen, Julie Peeters, Scott Ponik, Boy Vereecken and Lisette Smits. With contributions by Stuart Bailey, Uta Eisenreich, Paul Elliman, Raimundas Malasauskas, Karel Martens, Armand Mevis, Radim Pesko, and Willem Oorebeek. ISBN 9789077459300

Out of print

115 (Untitled) Geert Goiris 8 (leporello) 21 × 27 2008

8 pages (leporello) / 21 × 27 cm

1. Stranded, 2. Lower Galley, 3. Control Room, 4. Near Hekla #2, 5. New Coast, 6. Whiteout, 7. Platforms. Print: Cassochrome, Waregem. Design: Roger Willems

Out of print

114 China/S75 Petra Stavast 36 16.5 × 23.5 2008

36 pages / 16.5 × 23.5 cm

Portraits by Petra Stavast, photographed with the camera on her old mobile phone. Design: Hans Gremmen. ISBN 9789080998834

Out of print

114b Eva (II) Petra Stavast poster 70 × 87 De Vleeshal, Middelburg 2010

poster / 70 × 87 cm / in collaboration with De Vleeshal, Middelburg

Poster of a portrait (Eva II), photographed by Petra Stavast with a mobile phone, printed in offset on newspaper stock. Edition 300

Out of print

113 Neem me mee, zei de hond. Wim Brands 16 17 × 24 2008

16 pages / 17 × 24 cm

Collection of poems by Wim Brands, illustrated by Oksana Pasaiko (Two Meteorite Rocks, Cut in Favorite Angles). Design: Roger Willems. Edition 300 copies.

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112 (Untitled) Stephan Keppel 12 (leporello) 16.5 × 21 Fonds BKVB 2008

12 pages (leporello) / 16.5 × 21 cm / in collaboration with Fonds BKVB

Leporello with 11 photographs on the occasion of the exhibition Power of Place at Nettenfabriek, Apeldoorn.

Out of print

111 Serendipity Hans Gremmen (ed.) 104 19 × 26 2008

104 pages / 19 × 26 cm

Book by graphic designer Hans Gremmen with a selection of 'test prints' found at the silkscreen workshop of Paul Wyber in Amsterdam. The book contains reproductions as well as unique fragments from original prints by the following designers and artists: Jan Bons, Armand Mevis, Linda van Deursen, Lex Reitsma, Julia Born, Laurenz Brunner, Gielijn Escher, Annet Gelink, Ryan Gander, Roger Willems, JCJ Vanderheyden, Roland Schimmel, Nancy Spero, Carlos Amorales, Coppens Alberts, Connie Nijman, Anthony Burrill, Scott King, KesselsKramer, Jan Cremer, Gebroeders Silvestri, Stephanie de Vilder, Experimental Jetset, mevrouw Kramer, Mark van Holden, Linda Jensen. With an adapted chapter from 'Sindbad in Serendip' by Richard Boyle. Design: Hans Gremmen. Edition: 700 unique copies. ISBN 9789077459294

Out of print

110 Nancy Spero's Alphabet of Hieroglyphs Nancy Spero 2 posters 2 × (80 × 119) De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam 2008

2 posters / 80 × 119 cm / in collaboration with De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam

Set of two silkscreen posters with an inventory of all motifs from Nancy Spero's zinc and polymer plates since 1975. Edited by Roel Arkesteijn. Design: Connie Nijman and Roger Willems

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109 Codex Spero / Nancy Spero - Selected Writings and Interviews 1950-2008 Roel Arkesteijn (ed.) 200 20 × 28 De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam 2008

200 pages / 20 × 28 cm / in collaboration with De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam

Book with a selection of statements, correspondence, essays, lecture notes, interviews, personal photographs and other ego documents from American visual artist Nancy Spero (1926-2009). An overview of all the visual motifs that Spero has used in her work since the mid-1970s completes this volume. Edited by Roel Arkesteijn with the artist. ISBN 9789077459287

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108 Psychoscope Roland Schimmel 48 + DVD 21 × 29.7 Culturgest, Lisbon 2008

48 pages + DVD / 21 × 29.7 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon

Book and DVD by Roland Schimmel with an essay by Dieter Roelstraete and an introduction by Miguel Wandschneider. ISBN 9789077459270

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107 That's Painting Bernard Brunon 116 15 × 21 FRAC Lorraine 2008

116 pages / 15 × 21 cm / in collaboration with FRAC Lorraine

With less to look at, there's more to think about. That was the motto Bernard Brunon gave to his company That's Painting Productions some twenty years ago, when his work as a house painter became his activity as an artist. This development didn't happen over night. The interviews in this book by Michael Kosch and Pascal Beausse describe the process and explain the motivations behind this trajectory.

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106 Intimate Relations Marlene Dumas 140 21 × 26 Jacana Media, Johannesburg 2007-2022

140 pages / 21 × 26 cm / in collaboration with Jacana Media, Johannesburg

Book with a personal selection of paintings, drawings, early works, and writings, compiled on the occasion of Dumas' first solo show in South Africa, 30 years after moving to the Netherlands. Edited by Marlene Dumas, with text contributions by Emma Bedford, Marlene van Niekerk, Achille Mbembe and Sarah Nuttall. The 2007 edition was dedicated to Dumas' mother who died that year. The revised 4th edition from 2022 is dedicated to her 6 year older brother Pieter of whom we added a portrait: Die Baba, 1985. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789464460117

Order here (4th edition)

105 Multiplicity Frank van der Salm 16 24 × 34 Fries Museum Leeuwarden 2008

16 pages / 24 × 34 cm / in collaboration with Fries Museum Leeuwarden

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Multiplicity at the Fries Museum, Leeuwarden. Text by Shumon Basar and Frank van der Salm.

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104 Cast (part 4) Raymond Taudin Chabot 56 24 × 34

56 pages / 24 × 34 cm

Sequence of newspaper images collected by Raymond Taudin Chabot as source material for his men-in-suit slow motion video works (see: Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789077459232

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103 Beauty Unrealized Tamuna Chabashvili, Adi Hollander, Vesna Madzoski (ed.) 56 17 × 24 Public Space With A Roof, Amsterdam

56 pages / 17 × 24 cm / in collaboration with Public Space With A Roof, Amsterdam

The publication Beauty Unrealized. Spider webs of personal universes seeking a form is the testimony of a series of collaborative ventures, organized by artist-run space Public Space With a Roof, Amsterdam. With contributions by Thomas Hirschhorn, Robert Garnett, Keren Cytter, Philippe-Alain Michaud, Atsushi Sasaki, Michel de Broin, Benoit Goupy, Falke Pisano, Maurits Fennis, Emiliano Gandolfi, Mark Manders, Francesco Bernardelli, Claudio Baroni & Fabian Marcaccio, Marko Kosnik, Angela Serino, and others.

Out of print

102 Two Marc Nagtzaam 16 + 4 17 × 23

16 + 4 pages / 17 × 23 cm

The early part of Nagtzaam's collected text samples, released on the occassion of the group exhibition Drawing Typologies in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam in 2007. Design: Roger Willems and Marc Nagtzaam

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101 Post-production various 59.4 × 84 (x11) Artis Den Bosch

59.4 × 84 cm / in collaboration with Artis Den Bosch

Series of 11 posters, organised by Roger Willems. The posters were printed in the same print runs as the invitations for artists run space Artis Den Bosch during 2008 and 2009. A limited part of these print runs was saved uncut. With special thanks to Drukkerij Tielen, Boxtel.
-- Marc Nagtzaam, (Single Objects), 2005
-- Pipa Vilyn, Ruk ruk stuk, 2006-2007
-- Wouter van Riessen, Zelfportret op bed (rood monochroom), 1992-2007
-- Batia Suter, Test Sheet for Parallel Encyclopedia, 2007
-- Mark Manders, Study for Finished Sentence, 2007
-- Rob Johannesma, Skyhook, 2007
-- Kees Goudzwaard, Additive, 2007
-- Marten Hendriks, From: 8608, 1986-2008
-- Gwenneth Boelens, Sketch for a Whole Fragment, 2007
-- Irene Kopelman, Seismological Record from the Geological Museum Artis Amsterdam, 2008
-- Marlene Dumas, In God We Trust (Paying the ferry man), 2008

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100 Parallel Encyclopedia #1 Batia Suter 592 21 × 28

592 pages / 21 × 28 cm

A voluminous book containing a precise composition of numerous images from other books. ISBN 9789492811981

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99 Penny on Wood Mark Manders 16 + insert 21 × 27

16 pages + insert / 21 × 27 cm

Thin cahier with poems and photographs by Mark Manders.

Out of print

98 Full Grown Man Wouter van Riessen 64 19 × 26

64 pages / 19 × 26 cm

Book about the work of Wouter van Riessen. Text by Lene ter Haar. ISBN 9789077459201

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97 Suggested Taxation Scheme Gabriel Kuri 44 24 × 17

44 pages / 24 × 17 cm

Publication based on the installation Tillaga ad Skattaaaetlun / Suggested Taxation Scheme / Reforma Fiscal in the exhibition Work Time, Life Time, Material Time during the Reykjavik Arts Festival in 2005. Text by Jessica Morgan. ISBN 9789077459195

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96 The Whole World - Without Me = The Whole World Oksana Pasaiko cards 14.8 × 10.5 Nobody sir 2004-ongoing

cards / 14.8 × 10.5 cm

Series of postcards by Oksana Pasaiko. The postcards are presented in 3 different ways: 1. In vitrines or on pedestals behind glass, front and back of card presented next to each other with a distance of 12 mm; 2. As give away postcards; 3. On the wall with front and back of the card presented next to each other with a distance of 12 mm.

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95 Logicas Desviadas. Notes on Representation Vol. 1 Irene Kopelman 16 28.5 × 21 AVAM, Naval Museum of Madrid 2006

16 pages / 28.5 × 21 cm / in collaboration with AVAM, Naval Museum of Madrid

Drawings by Kopelman based on historical maps dated from the XVI to XIX centuries. 'Logicas Desviadas' is the first volume of the series 'Notes on Representation' by Kopelman.

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94 Curculio Bassos / Sonantal Lush Mark Manders 8 + 8 35 × 48 + 17.5 × 24 2006

8 + 8 pages / 35 × 48 + 17.5 × 24 cm

Notional newspapers with insert, especially produced to be used for papier-mâché in sculptures. Design: Hans Gremmen

Out of print

93 11 tekeningen (free paper) Marc Nagtzaam two folded papers 2 × (68 × 48) Homework, Maastricht 2006

two folded papers / 68 × 48 cm / in collaboration with Homework, Maastricht

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Marc Nagtzaam. Selected Works at Homework, Maastricht.

Out of print

92 Count Down Roland Schimmel poster 68 × 48 Culturgest, Lisbon 2006

poster / 68 × 48 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon

Double-sided poster made by Roland Schimmel and Roger Willems.

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91 Ghent / Lisbon / Porto Drawings Bart Lodewijks 96 16.5 × 22.5 Culturgest, Lisbon / S.M.A.K. Ghent 2006

96 pages / 16.5 × 22.5 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon / S.M.A.K. Ghent

Book about site specific wall drawings by Bart Lodewijks, produced in streets and exhibition spaces in Ghent, Lisbon and Porto. With text by Frank Maes in English, Portuguese, and Dutch. ISBN 9789077459171

Out of print

90 Os livros fazem amigos Roger Willems, Mark Manders (ed.) 120 15 × 21 Culturgest, Lisbon 2006

120 pages / 15 × 21 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon

Publication about Roma Publications, made on the occasion of the exhibition Roma Publications in Culturgest, Lisbon, from May 20 until August 27, 2006. Texts by Christoph Keller, Dieter Roelstraete and Miguel Wandschneider.

Out of print

89 Dias abertos Marije Langelaar (ed.) 64 21 × 27 Culturgest, Lisbon 2006

64 pages / 21 × 27 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon

Portuguese edition of the first two Open Days (Roma 38 and 70). Poems by Dutch and Flemisch poets, selected by Marije Langelaar, combined with various works of art. Translated to Portugues by Fernando Venâncio. Contributions by: Michaël Borremans, René Puthaar, Batia Suter, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Menno Wigman, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer, Albertina Soepboer, Anneke Brassinga, Arturo Herrera, Mark Langelaar, Ronald Ohlsen, Piet Gerbrandy, Gwy Mandelinck, Dirk Braeckman, Luc Tuymans, Roger Willems, Arjen Duinker, Marije Langelaar, Tsead Bruinja, Wouter van Riessen, Johannes Kahrs, Maria Barnas, Leonard Nolens, Mark Manders, Annelies Strba, Daan van Golden, Raoul De Keyser, K. Michel, Menno Wigman, Tonnus Oosterhoff, Bas Jan Ader, Eva Gerlach, Miriam Van hee, Mark Boog, Dirk van Bastelaere, John Currin, Jannah Loontjens, Wouter Godijn, Hester Knibbe, Kees Goudzwaard, Rogi Wieg, Barry Flanagan, Franky D.C., Gerhard Richter, Peter Verhelst, Miguel Declercq, Franz Gertsch, José Maria Rodriguez Plaza, JCJ Vanderheyden, Yun-Fei Ji, Boris Mikhailov. ISBN 9077459146

Out of print

88 Surplus Marc Nagtzaam 48 19 × 26 Culturgest, Lisbon 2006

48 pages / 19 × 26 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon

Texts fragments, collected and drawn by Nagtzaam between 1998 and 2006. ISBN 9077459146

Out of print

87 Ornamento com pontos focais Mark Manders 16 23 × 31 Culturgest, Lisbon 2006

16 pages / 23 × 31 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon

Portuguese translation of Manders' book of poems 'Ornament met brandpunten'. Translated by Fernando Venâncio.

Out of print

86 Sequent Kees Goudzwaard 64 21 × 28 Culturgest, Lisbon 2006

64 pages / 21 × 28 cm / in collaboration with Culturgest, Lisbon

Book with work of Dutch/Belgium painter Kees Goudzwaard, published on the occasion of his solo-exhibition in Culturgest, Lisbon, from May 20 until August 27, 2006. Texts by Delfim Sardo, Sebastian Hackenschmidt and Miguel Wandschneider. ISBN 9077459162

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85 Kunstverein Ahlen various 12 × 16.5 Kunstverein Ahlen 2006 -

12 × 16.5 cm / in collaboration with Kunstverein Ahlen

Series of small-sized publications related to exhibitions in Kunstverein Ahlen, curated by Philippe Van Cauteren. Design: Joana Katte
Roma 85-1: Heide Hinrichs, I Am Still in the Woods
Roma 85-2: Stein Cole, Ohne Titel
Roma 85-3: Francisca Garcia, Rundum die Landschaft
Roma 85-4: Matthias Beckmann, Belaeufig gesprochen: Die Gegenstaende sind Farblos

Out of print

84 W139 - Amsterdam, Report of an Ongoing Journey various 304 17 × 22.5 W139, Amsterdam 2006

304 pages / 17 × 22.5 cm / in collaboration with W139, Amsterdam

W139 from November 30, 2002 till April 30, 2006. A continuous transformation process that is amply documented in this book. Introduction by Ann Demeester. ISBN 9077459111

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83 Short Sad Thoughts Mark Manders 72 20 × 27,5 BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead 2006

72 pages / 20 × 27.5 cm / in collaboration with BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead

Catalogue from Manders' exhibition at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead. Texts by Penelope Curtis, Mark Manders, Marije Langelaar, and Ronald Van de Sompel. ISBN 1903655269

Out of print

82 Blind Spot Roland Schimmel 64 20 × 28 2006

64 pages / 20 × 28 cm

Book with work by Roland Schimmel. Text by Eva Wittocx. Edition 1000. ISBN 9077459006

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81 „Freut Euch“ Michael Dörner 20 15 × 21 Kunstverein Göppingen 2006

20 pages / 15 × 21 cm / in collaboration with Kunstverein Göppingen

Booklet about the raining umbrella on Spitalplatz, Göppingen (DE). Text by Werner Meyer. Edition 500

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80 Untitled (Post-production) JCJ Vanderheyden 3 posters 3 × (70 × 100) Artis, 's-Hertogenbosch 2006

3 posters / 70 × 100 cm / in collaboration with Artis, 's-Hertogenbosch

Set of three posters by JCJ Vanderheyden. Silkscreen on paper, deliberately unsigned and unnumbered, in an edition of 200.

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79 EucaryoteTarp Mark Manders 8 35 × 48 BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead 2005

8 pages / 35 × 48 cm / in collaboration with BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead

This first notional newspaper by Mark Manders was especially produced to be used for papier-mâché in one of the sculptures appearing in Manders' exhibition at the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art in 2006. Design: Hans Gremmen

Out of print

78 Compost Index Gabriel Kuri 68 28 × 20 Conaculta, Mexico City 2005

68 pages / 28 × 20 cm / in collaboration with Conaculta, Mexico City

Book about the work and thoughts of the Mexican artist Gabriel Kuri, published in co-production with CoNaCultA, with support from kurimanzutto, Mexico City and Franco Noero Gallery, Torino. Texts by Dieter Roelstraete, and Maxine Kopsa. ISBN 9077459103

Out of print

77 3 Geert Goiris 3 cards 3 × (22 × 17.6) 2005

3 cards / 22 × 17.6 cm

Sequence of 3 photographs, taken at Jeu de Paume on September 22, 2005. Printed as cards, they were part of the exhibition Croiser des mondes, aspects du document contemporain, in Jeu de Paume, Paris, in 2005.

Out of print

76 Cristof Yvoré Cristof Yvoré 44 17 × 12.5 Zeno X Gallery Antwerpen 2005

44 pages / 17 × 12.5 cm / in collaboration with Zeno X Gallery Antwerpen

Small-sized catalogue with a selection of paintings by Cristof Yvoré.

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75 Reconstructing Time Irene Kopelman 24 23.5 × 16.5 cm Artis Geological Museum 2005

24 pages / 23.5 × 16.5 cm / in collaboration with Artis Geological Museum

Outcome of a year of research and production by Irene Kopelman within the Artis Geological Museum, Amsterdam. By making handcrafted porcelain 'replicas' of a part of the museum's Holotype collection, and a series of drawings of microfossils, Kopelman tries to describe what the naked eye cannot see.

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74 Parallel Slideshow Batia Suter DVD


Filmic sequence of around 1000 newspapers images, collected between 1998 and 2006. This work - which is not distributed commercially - is related to the book 'Parallel Encyclopedia' (Roma 100) which was published a year later, in 2007. Suter decided to keep these images out of her book because of their typical color and newspaper atmosphere. Also the notion of news value and the focus on catastrophic circumstances make this series an autonomous chapter in her collection of found imagery.

73 Short Sad Text (based on the borders of 14 countries) Oksana Pasaiko Hair on soap 7.5 × 5.3 × 2.4

Hair on soap / 7.5 × 5.3 × 2.4 cm

Small sculpture, made out of soap and human hair. Edition: 2 (number one of the edition was left behind in a public toilet in Oslo, number two is a work of art). It also exists as a take postcard.

72 La Roquette Secrète Mark Manders, Marije Langelaar 8 23.5 × 32

8 pages / 23.5 × 32 cm

Thin brochure with photographs by Mark Manders en Marije Langelaar.

Out of print

71 Broadway Marquise Roland Schimmel poster 70 × 100 S.M.A.K. Ghent

poster / 70 × 100 cm / in collaboration with S.M.A.K. Ghent

Poster made by Roland Schimmel and Roger Willems. Silkscreen. Edition 150

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70 Open Days Marije Langelaar (ed.) 32 21 × 27 S.M.A.K. Ghent

32 pages / 21 × 27 cm / in collaboration with S.M.A.K. Ghent

The second Open Days publication with poems by Dutch and Flemisch poets, combined with various works of art, selected by Marije Langelaar. Contributions by Daan van Golden, Raoul De Keyser, K. Michel, Menno Wigman, Tonnus Oosterhoff, Bas Jan Ader, Johannes Kahrs, Eva Gerlach, Miriam Van hee, Mark Boog, Dirk van Bastelaere, John Currin, Mark Langelaar, Jannah Loontjens, Wouter Godijn, Hester Knibbe, Kees Goudzwaard, Wouter van Riessen, Rogi Wieg, Barry Flanagan, Franky D.C., Gerhard Richter, Peter Verhelst, Miguel Declercq, Franz Gertsch, José Maria Rodriguez Plaza, J.C.J. Vanderheyden, Yun-Fei Ji, Boris Mikhailov. Design: Roger Willems. This publication was published on the occasion of the exhibition 'ROMA Publications 1998-2005' in S.M.A.K. Ghent, May 28 - July 3 2005.

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69 Made out of Wood Wouter van Riessen audio CD 14 x12.5

audio CD / 14 x12.5 cm

16 songs by Wouter van Riessen: 1. Morning Moon 2. Hear me Calling 3. Pinocchio 4. Little Maggie 5. Full Grown Man 6. You Sing to me 7. Bye-bye 8. Wouter 9. I Love you 10. Coming Home 11. Snow 12. You Made me Row my Boat Ashore 13. Bring you Home 14. Love Song for a Doll 15. The Stranger 16. Drifting into a Dream

Sold out

68 De Rode Hamerclub Marije Langelaar 24 20 × 28

24 pages / 20 × 28 cm

Photo report of an outdoor installation in a forest by Marije Langelaar. Edition 25

Out of print

67 (Untitled) Geert Goiris 8 (leporello) 21 × 27

8 pages (leporello) / 21 × 27 cm

1. Seaweed, 2. Kurort, 3. Hotel Siauliai, 4. Eclipse, 5. Albino, 6. Wittgenstein, 7. Near Hekla. Edition 1000. Design: Roger Willems

Out of print

66 Face it Joe Villablanca 32 19.5 × 26.5

32 pages / 19.5 × 26.5 cm

Publication on the occasion of Face it, a show by Joe Villablanca in Elektrohaus, Hamburg, February 2005. Laserprint in an edition of 100 copies. Design: Joana Katte

Out of print

65 Blind Spot Roland Schimmel (with David Lopato) DVD 18.5 × 26.5

DVD / 18.5 × 26.5

Three abstract video works by Roland Schimmel on a DVD (Blind Spot I, II, III'), with sound by David Lopato. Edition 50

Sold out

64 Vlak Marc Nagtzaam 16 16 × 22

16 pages / 16 × 22 cm

8 drawings by Marc Nagtzaam: (As Far as I'm Concerned), (13 JAN.1973 / JULY 4, 1973), (Ins and Outs), (Not One, Not Two but Three), (The Sound of Something Happening), (Pantone), (Polaroid), (To the White Sea and Beyond). Edition 400

Out of print

63b Hallway with Sentences Mark Manders 16 20 × 27 ProjecteSD, Barcelona

16 pages / 20 × 27 cm / in collaboration with ProjecteSD, Barcelona

Second version of Hallway with Sentences, published on the occasion of the exhibition Alguns llibres d'artista (A Few Artist's Books), Roma Publications i Christoph Keller at ProjecteSD, Barcelona.

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63 Hallway with Sentences Mark Manders 16 19 × 25.5 The Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin

16 pages / 19 × 25.5 cm / in collaboration with The Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin

Reproduction of Manders' wall piece Hallway with Sentences, installed at The Renaissance Society of the University of Chicago (September 14 - November 2, 2003). Typography: Roger Willems

Out of print

62 H1: Momente/Monumente Philippe Van Cauteren, Sebastian Hackenschmidt, Roger Willems (ed.) 56 19 × 25.5

56 pages / 19 × 25.5 cm

First issue of the magazine , with contributions by Franz Blei, Erick Beltran, Inga Beyer, Marc Wortmann, Daniel Blochwitz, Dew Bondage, Michael Dorner, Sebastian Hackenschmidt, Hans Blumenberg, Christian Jamarillo, Jac Leirner, Mario Navarro, Luis Egana Rojas, Tanja Schwarz, Elliott Erwitt, Andre Lemke, Philippe Van Cauteren, Thomas Schonberger, Michael Liebelt and Lawrence Weiner, Christel Fetzer. Edition 100. Laserprint. Design: Roger Willems

Out of print

61 From Here to There (and back again) Various 128 21.5 × 28.5 W139, Amsterdam

128 pages / 21.5 × 28.5 cm / in collaboration with W139, Amsterdam

Ad hoc publication on occasion of the temporary relocation of W139 in Post CS, former headquarters of the Dutch Postal Services. It briefly shows all exhibitions and activities organized by W139 from 30.11.2002 until 21.11.2004. Introduction by Ann Demeester. Design: Roger Willems

Out of print

60 Billboards Batia Suter 168 21 × 15 KesselsKramer

168 pages / 21 × 15 cm / in collaboration with KesselsKramer

Book with photographs of billboards and other advertising surfaces on which Suter displays a collection of switches, buttons and daily objects. This book is a special hard bound edition of the publication 'Batia Suter / A meeting outdoors', produced by KesselsKramer and originally published by NEROC'VGM b.v. Amsterdam.

Out of print

59 Five minutes to Die Iñaki Bonillas 172 29.7 × 21

172 pages / 29.7 × 21 cm

This xerox-copied book shows only standing pictures from Bonillas' 30 volume family photo archive that was given to him by his widowed grandmother. Text by Brenda Lozano.

Out of print

58 'H0' Van Cauteren, Hackenschmidt, Willems (ed.) 12 25.5 × 17.7

12 pages / 25.5 × 17.7 cm

Preview of H-magazine; a low-budget, free curatorial magazine, based and related to Hamburg, Germany. 'H'-magazine is part of Philippe Van Cauteren's 'HAMBURG / O, R, G, U & H' (see 54).

Out of print

57 30 Feet Oksana Pasaiko 32 13.5 × 19.5 Manifesta 5

32 pages / 13.5 × 19.5 cm / in collaboration with Manifesta 5

30 pictures of feet, printed on 32 pages.

Out of print

56 (Untitled) Geert Goiris folded poster 63 × 89 Manifesta 5

folded poster / 63 × 89 cm / in collaboration with Manifesta 5

Folded poster with 6 photographs.

Out of print

55 Miquel Mont Miquel Mont 80 19 × 26.8 Le Sous-sol Paris

80 pages / 19 × 26.8 cm / in collaboration with Le Sous-sol Paris

A selection of works by Miquel Mont. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9077459081

For availability mail to

54 O, R, G, U & H Philippe Van Cauteren (ed.) website


A website documenting a number of modestly scaled projects curated and organized by Philippe Van Cauteren, diversely sited through the City of Hamburg, Germany. With contributions by (among others): Nicolas Floc'h, Rosana Ricalde, Anno Dijkstra, Francisca Garcia, Anna Maria Neubert, Paulo Climachauska, Heide Hinrichs, Sylvia Schreiber, Alejandro Magallanes & Erick Beltran, Batia Suter, Michael Doerner, Kees Goudzwaard, Nir Alon, Adrianne Gallinari, Patrick Lebret, Paula Parcerisa, Changwon Lee, Martina Rapedius & Thomas Rindfleisch, Mario Navarro, Francisca Garcia, Lina Kim, Inaki Bonillas, Sebastian Zarius, Marije Langelaar, Magda Jussara.

53 In Other Words Nicolas Floc'h 208 18 × 24.5 Galerie Le Sous-sol, Frac Nord-Pas de Calais, Frac Champagne-Ardenne, W139

208 pages / 18 × 24.5 cm / in collaboration with Galerie Le Sous-sol, Frac Nord-Pas de Calais, Frac Champagne-Ardenne, W139

The complete work of Nicolas Floc'h from Productive Writing (1995) until recent videoworks. Edited and designed by Roger Willems and Nicolas Floc'h. Texts: Ann Demeester, Léa Gauthier, Pierre Giquel, Emmanuelle Huynh, Philippe Van Cauteren, Nicolas Floc'h. ISBN 9077459065

For availability mail to

52 Isolated Rooms Mark Manders 184 + 56 19.5 × 26 The Art Institute of Chicago and The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago

184 + 56 pages / 19.5 × 26 cm / in collaboration with The Art Institute of Chicago and The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago

Catalogue covering Mark Manders' double solo show Isolated Rooms at The Art Institute of Chicago and The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago (9.13.2003 -1.4.2004). The book, counting 184 pages, is accompanied by a separate exhibition checklist and a 56 pages reference book. Compilation and design: Roger Willems and Mark Manders. With texts by James Cuno and Susanne Ghez, James Rondeau, Dieter Roelstraete, Mark Manders, and Marije Langelaar. ISBN 907745909X

Out of print

51 Storage and Display Dieter Roelstraete & Roger Willems (ed.) 168 17 × 23 Programa Art Center, Mexico City

168 pages / 17 × 23 cm / in collaboration with Programa Art Center, Mexico City

Document of the group exhibition 'Storage and Display' in Programa Art Center, Mexico City, 2003. With: Danai Anesiadou, Hans Bryssinck & Diederik Peeters, Rodrigo Diaz, Jared Domicio, Nicolas Floc'h, Michel Francois, Kees Goudzwaard, Franciska Lambrechts & Honore d'O, Erwan Maheo, Mark Manders, Hermann Maier Neustadt, Damian Ortega, Batia Suter, Sofia Taboas, Pieter Vermeersch and many others. ISBN 9077495057

For availability mail to

50 Frontal Views Kees Goudzwaard 92 21 × 28

92 pages / 21 × 28 cm

Book about the paintings of the Dutch painter Kees Goudzwaard. Text by Dieter Roelstraete. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9077459073

Out of print

49 (Untitled) Geert Goiris 2 (card) 17 × 24 BOZAR Brussel

2 pages (card) / 17 × 24 cm / in collaboration with BOZAR Brussel

Double photograph.

Out of print

48 Looking for a Beautiful Place Bart Lodewijks 64 17 × 24 Scottish Arts Council

64 pages / 17 × 24 cm / in collaboration with Scottish Arts Council

Documentation of site specific chalk drawings produced by Bart Lodewijks during a two years stay in Scotland. Text by QS Serafijn. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9077459030

Out of print

47 Photographic Views Iñaki Bonillas, Dieter Roelstraete, Roger Willems 40 17 × 24

40 pages / 17 × 24 cm

An essay by Roelstraete related to projects with and about photography by I�aki Bonillas, in collaboration with Roger Willems. ISBN 9077459022

Out of print

46 En we verdroomden de dag... Wil Heeffer 40 16.5 × 23 Grafisch Buro Goirle

40 pages / 16.5 × 23 cm / in collaboration with Grafisch Buro Goirle

Poetry and illustrations about love and Cuba. ISBN 90 77459 04 9

Out of print

45 Gedicteerde tekeningen Mark Manders, Marije Langelaar and 22 children 56 17 × 23 Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

56 pages / 17 × 23 cm / in collaboration with Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Children drawings and photographs, made under strict orders. ISBN 90 77459 01 4

Out of print

44 Over Marc Nagtzaam 44 16.5 × 23

44 pages / 16.5 × 23 cm

Book with drawings from Marc Nagtzaam. Link:

Out of print

43 Splinters zijn stukken van bomen Maud Vande Veire 243 12 × 20

243 pages / 12 × 20 cm

First novel by Maud Vande Veire, published as unedited manuscript in limited edition.

Out of print

42 Kaleidoscope Night Dieter Roelstraete 56 16.5 × 24 Kröller-Müller Museum

56 pages / 16.5 × 24 cm / in collaboration with Kröller-Müller Museum

Philosophical essay by Dieter Roelstraete about the work of Mark Manders, published on the occasion of the exhibition Kaleidoscope Night in the Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo. Typography: Ingo Offermanns. ISBN 9080576506

Out of print

41 Ornament met Brandpunten Mark Manders DVD



Electronic voice reeds a selection of Manders' collection of poems Ornament met brandpunten, translated into English.

40 Singing Sailors Mark Manders 120 16.8 × 22.5

120 pages / 16.8 × 22.5 cm

Dutch - size reduced - edition of the catalogue Singing Sailors. Texts by Manders and Marije Langelaar. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9080576581

Order here

39 Several Drawings on Top of Each Other Mark Manders 232 19 × 25.5 Philip Morris Finest Selection Foundation

232 pages / 19 × 25.5 cm / in collaboration with Philip Morris Finest Selection Foundation

Book with drawings from Mark Manders. Text by Marije Langelaar. ISBN 908057659X

For availability mail to

38 Open Days Marije Langelaar (ed.) 32 21 × 27 Kröller-Müller Museum

32 pages / 21 × 27 cm / in collaboration with Kröller-Müller Museum

This publication was published on the occasion of the exhibition 'ROMA Publications 1998-2002' in the Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo. It contains Dutch poems combined with various works of art, selected by Marije Langelaar. With contributions by : Michael Borremans, Rene Puthaar, Batia Suter, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Menno Wigman, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer, Albertina Soepboer, Anneke Brassinga, Arturo Herrera, Mark Manders, Marije Langelaar, Ronald Ohlsen, Piet Gerbrandy, Gwy Mandelinck, Dirk Braeckman, Luc Tuymans, Roger Willems, Arjen Duinker, Tsead Bruinja, Wouter van Riessen, Johannes Kahrs, Maria Barnas, Leonard Nolens, Annelies Strba.

Out of print

37 White Book Inaki Bonillas, Roger Willems 896 17 × 22 Programa Art Center, Mexico City

896 pages / 17 × 22 cm / in collaboration with Programa Art Center, Mexico City

Almost empty book with pictures of the same book made by different artists/photographers from the Netherlands, Belgium and Mexico: Nienke Terpsma, Batia Suter, Studio EKA, Mark Manders, Roger Willems, Geert Goiris, Santiago Merino, Han Koppers. Design: Roger Willems. Edition: 50 copies.

For availability mail to

36 Thin Newspaper with Drawings Mark Manders 16 47 × 31.5 Documenta 11 2002

16 pages / 47 × 31.5 cm / in collaboration with Documenta 11

Free paper with drawings, given away to visitors of Documenta 11. Edition 50,000

Out of print

35 Singing Sailors Mark Manders 128
21.6 × 28.8
Art Gallery of York University, Toronto 2002

128 pages / 21.6 × 28.8 cm / in collaboration with Art Gallery of York University, Toronto

Catalogue about the work of Mark Manders. Texts by Laura Hoptman, Loretta Yarlow, Marije Langelaar and Mark Manders. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 0921972385

Order here

34 Poëtisch Panorama Louis Tiessen 20 21 × 29.7

20 pages / 21 × 29.7 cm

Paper with a selection of previously published and unplublished texts and poems by Louis Tiessen, from the late 1940's up till 2002. Design: Roger Willems. Edition 600

For availability mail to

33 Catherine Claeyé Catherine Claeyé 48 14 × 20 Caldic Collection, Rotterdam 2002

48 pages / 14 × 20 cm / in collaboration with Caldic Collection, Rotterdam

Photo book about a three months during project with hanging cabbages on the bank of the river Schelde, Antwerp, Belgium. Edition 300

Out of print

32 Pingo doce Mark Manders 8 17.5 × 23 Museu Serralves, Porto 2001

8 pages / 17.5 × 23 cm / in collaboration with Museu Serralves, Porto

Account of a number of consecutive occurrences in a supermarket in Oporto, Portugal, ending in a fight. Edition 20

Out of print

31 New Anniversaries Mark Manders, Marije Langelaar 72 23.5 × 32 International Sculpture Collection Rotterdam 2001

72 pages / 23.5 × 32 cm / in collaboration with International Sculpture Collection Rotterdam

Photo book about three simultaneous birthdays. Edition 600. ISBN 9080576549

Out of print

30 Arnhem Promotion Poster Mark Manders
68.5 × 96

68.5 × 96 cm

Poster with fives made in and for Arnhem. Edition 300

For availability mail to

29 Dictated Drawings Mark Manders and 27 children 32 16.5 × 23 Sonsbeek 9 Arnhem 2001

32 pages / 16.5 × 23 cm / in collaboration with Sonsbeek 9 Arnhem

Book with a distinctive selection from a large number of drawings, dictated by Manders, combined with a few portraits. Edition 600

Out of print

28 Portraits and Cameras Mark Manders, Roger Willems 56 29.7 × 21 Sonsbeek 9 Arnhem 2001

56 pages / 29.7 × 21 cm / in collaboration with Sonsbeek 9 Arnhem

27 children portraits and their drawings. Photographs taken as the children draw the camera in front of them, without looking at the paper. Edition 20

Out of print

27 9 tekeningen (free paper) Marc Nagtzaam two folded papers 2 × (68 × 48)

two folded papers / 68 × 48 cm

Folded paper with drawings. Edition 300

Out of print

26 Angus 15 jaar / 3-11-2001 Mark Manders, Marije Langelaar 32 20 × 27
International Sculpture Collection Rotterdam 2001

32 pages / 20 × 27 cm / in collaboration with International Sculpture Collection Rotterdam

House to house newspaper for Rotterdam, distributed on the day of the 15th birthday of Angus. Edition 100,000

Out of print

25 Newspaper with Fives Mark Manders, Roger Willems 20 41.5 × 29 Sonsbeek 9 Arnhem 2001

20 pages / 41.5 × 29 cm / in collaboration with Sonsbeek 9 Arnhem

The concept of this newspaper is based on the fascination for the fact that something outside your body, for example five frozen animals on a row, can make your brains think 'five'. The paper contains only fives and has been spreaded over the city of Arnhem. Edition 150,000

For availability mail to

25b Newspaper with Fives (82%) Mark Manders, Roger Willems 20 34 × 24 Sonsbeek 9 Arnhem 2001

20 pages / 34 × 24 cm / in collaboration with Sonsbeek 9 Arnhem

Reduced newspaper with fives. Edition 600

Out of print

24 China Mark Manders 64 15.5 × 22.5

64 pages / 15.5 × 22.5 cm

Sequel to ‘Coloured Room with Black and White Scene’. A number of titles are now translated into three dimensional works. Edition 500. ISBN 9080576557

For availability mail to

23 Waiting for the Laundry Mark Manders, Marije Langelaar


Still in preparation since 2000. Photoseries made whithin one hour while waiting for the laundry, somewhere in Tokyo.

22 Laptop on the Pavement Mark Manders, Roger Willems, Marije Langelaar 64 13.5 × 19.5 Poëziezomers Watou 2002

64 pages / 13.5 × 19.5 cm / in collaboration with Poëziezomers Watou

Book with various related photographs, made and collected in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Some of the photographs show book pages. It was made on the occasion of a poetry festival in Watou, Belgium. Edition 1,300. ISBN 90 805765 73

For availability mail to

21 Mutanten zonder hart Marije Langelaar 12 17 × 26

12 pages / 17 × 26 cm

Cover, made from an envelope, containing a songtext from a karaoke video installation by Langelaar called 'Mutants without Hearts'. Edition 25

Out of print

20 ROMA 20 A-Z various


Disappeared project. Random posters in small editions were pasted on specific spots in the city.

19 Work and Non-work Marc Nagtzaam, Roger Willems 8 21 × 29.7

8 pages / 21 × 29.7 cm

Series of drawings by Nagtzaam combined with photographs by Willems. Edition 50

Out of print

18 Meer avonturen Maartje Teunissen paper 10,5 × 3

paper / 10,5 × 3 cm

A small piece of paper in an unlimited edition with the text 'meer avonturen!' (More Adventures!), handed out by children to grownups during a positive demonstration by children in Holland, organized by Marije Langelaar.

Out of print

17 Night Drawings from Self-portrait as a Building Mark Manders 22 29 × 43 Greene Naftali Gallery, New York 2000

22 pages / 29 × 43 cm / in collaboration with Greene Naftali Gallery, New York

Newspaper with the titels of the twenty drawings on the frontpage like headlines.

Out of print

16 Tokyo Newspaper Mark Manders, Marije Langelaar 16 27.3 × 40 Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo 2000

16 pages / 27.3 × 40 cm / in collaboration with Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo

Newspaper with photographs of minor occurences in public areas in Tokyo, combined with Japanese translations of poems by Langelaar.

For availability mail to

15 Niet niet betreden Mariës Hendriks 24 15 × 21

24 pages / 15 × 21 cm

Small book with 8 drawings.

Out of print

11-14 Hann. Münden Promotion Posters Mark Manders, Roger Willems
50 × 78 The City of Hann. Münden 1999

50 × 78 cm / in collaboration with The City of Hann. Münden

Promotion posters for the German City of Hann. Münden.

Out of print

10 Interactief gelukkig Marije Langelaar 64 14.5 × 21.5

64 pages / 14.5 × 21.5cm

Fragmented poems that sometimes suggest to be the starting lines of novels, still to be writen. Edition 300. ISBN 90 805765 14

For availability mail to

9 Ornament met brandpunten Mark Manders 48 14.5 × 21.5

48 pages / 14.5 × 21.5 cm

Collection of poems by Mark Manders, in Dutch only. The abstract cover fits with the title and the precize but detached descriptions, which evoke a probing mental perception of the fictional character Mark Manders. Reprinted in 2017 on the occasion of Kunstenfestival Watou. Design: Roger Willems and Mark Manders. ISBN 9789491843952

For availability mail to

8 Ll Jaap Kroneman, Batia Suter, Roger Willems 32 32 × 46

32 pages / 32 × 46 cm

Combinations of photographs of ex-girlfriends collected by Jaap Kroneman and crops of images of public men collected by Batia Suter. Edition 25

Out of print

7 Het lezen Marije Langelaar 4 13.7 × 21

4 pages / 13.7 × 21 cm

Folded paper, printed in book print, containing a short text about 'reading'. It functions as a limited preface for 'Interactief gelukkig' (Roma Publication 10). Edition 70

Out of print

6 32544 Assoziative Wortkörper Mark Manders, Roger Willems 32544 21 × 30 S.M.A.K. Ghent 1999

32544 pages / 21 × 30 cm / in collaboration with S.M.A.K. Ghent

A 108-volume book (32,544 pages) containing all existing German words grouped in associative units of five words per page. The three words 'Seelenwanderung', 'Geben', and 'Plastiktüte' from this book have been framed alongside three corresponding photographs. In this way, the words and photographs are guided in their variable meanings. This work is actually endless, since it can continually be expanded with the addition of an infinite number of photographs to each word in the book. Edition: 2

Out of print

5 Newspaper with Fives Mark Manders, Roger Willems 20 47 × 31.5 S.M.A.K. Ghent 1999

20 pages / 47 × 31.5 cm / in collaboration with S.M.A.K. Ghent

The concept of this free local paper is based on the fascination with the fact that objects outside your body – a row of five calculators, for example – can make your brain think 'five'. The newspaper is filled entirely with fives and was distributed in the German town of Hann. Münden as a supplement to a regional daily. The paper reveals a surprising image of the small, picturesque town. The greater part of the photographs show fives found in Hann. Münden, but others were staged, such as the graffiti and the traffic signs arranged in groups of five at night. Edition 100,000

Out of print

4 Hann. Münden Promotion Poster Mark Manders, Roger Willems
50 × 78 The city of Hann. Münden 1999

50 × 78 cm / in collaboration with The city of Hann. Münden

Poster containing fives from the German town of Hann. Münden. Edition 300

Out of print

3 Coloured Room with Black and White Scene Mark Manders 88 15.5 × 22.5 Galerie Friedrich, Bern 1999

88 pages / 15.5 × 22.5 cm / in collaboration with Galerie Friedrich, Bern

Book with a number of isolated titles. One of the titles has been developed into a series of twelve colour photographs showing a complex installation: a coloured room with a black and white scene (p 38-39). Edition 1000

Out of print

2 Elka Oudenampsen Elka Oudenampsen 40 15.5 × 22 Loerakker Galerie, Amsterdam 1999

40 pages / 15.5 × 22 cm / in collaboration with Loerakker Galerie, Amsterdam

Small book with collages. Printed in diamond screen offset. Edition 500

Out of print

1 (SOME) Marc Nagtzaam 40 17 × 23.5

40 pages / 17 × 23.5 cm

First Roma publication with handwritten text fragments and a series of drawings by Nagtzaam. Published in an edition of 200 copies as an autonomous contribution to an exhibition with nominees for the Prix de Rome, a prestigious art prize in the Netherlands. Besides combining the Ro and Ma of our names, the Prix de Rome was the second reason to put in the colophon that this was ROMA Publication #1. Soon after Mark Manders joined the team and from then Roma Publications become a series.

Out of print