
Location: Behringstraße (Supermarket Minimal)
Date: from December 2003 ongoing (irregular and not-announced)

‘Hinz&Kunzt’ is the name of the street magazine sold by homeless people in the streets of Hamburg. On ‘crucial’ entrances (stations, supermarkets, shops, theaters, museums, banks,...) the magazine is sold. The sellers function as gatekeepers and portiers. A number of artists will develop an insert for the magazine that the seller will add before selling a magazine. The project questions the distribution and dispersion of an ‘art work’ over the city and values the ‘hard profession’ of the homeless people. Only one homeless person will sell the inserts. The project is considered a cooperation between two persons.


Further Information
Philippe Van Cauteren
Gaußstraße 152, Haus 3
22765 Hamburg
T/F: 0049 (0)40 39903369
E: vancauteren@t-online.de